This is a week to week blog about my Asian Eyelid procedure, how I experienced it and how the recovery went, including photos. Before I decided to do the procedure, I couldn’t find much comparison material, which is why I decided to write something about this in mt blog: Personal experience Asian Eyelid Procedure. Hopefully I can help you to gain more insight into how such an intervention/recovery works.
Personal experience Asian Eyelid Procedure
The procedure: June 20th.
I was ready for my Asian Eyelid procedure. Upon arrival, I was taken to the doctor’s office to discuss the procedure and draw the measurements on my eyelids. I was given a sleeping pill for the nerves. I was then helped onto the operating table in my operating clothes. The assistants were very sweet and helpful and I was very reassured. I was then given a local anesthetic, this was a bit unpleasant, but is really the only thing that was not pleasant about the entire procedure. After this the procedure was painless and you only felt that the surgeon was busy. I was done within 45 minutes, after which time was taken to cool the eyes against the swelling. I was neatly given a bag with instructions for aftercare. Click here on the link for more information about the Asian Eyelid procedure.
After the procedure
Once at home I had no pain at all. The only thing that took some getting used to is that tight feeling in my eyes. Immediately cooled down as much as possible against the swelling. Little tip: I put some peas in a sandwich bag and then put it on my eyelids with a sleeping mask on my head. That way you don’t have to hold it all the time. The first 24 hours I occasionally suffered from blood and fluid loss, which I gently dabbed away with a tissue. During my first week I didn’t need any painkillers at all and the swelling and blueness were really not that bad. I expected it to be so much worse. I have been cooling as much as possible all week, lying on 2 pillows and trying to keep the plasters dry as much as possible. In addition, I used up the bottle of arnica, which lasted until 4 days after the procedure.
Week 2
After a week my stitches were removed and it felt SO GOOD! Because of the plasters and stitches there was still a lot of pressure on my eyelids, once out it felt like a relief. My eyes were still swollen and blue, with my eyelid still very high. This takes time and is not the final result. I have gently cleaned it every day, mornings and evenings, with a damp cotton swab. After 1.5 weeks I quietly went outside for some errands. I did this with a cap and glasses, to protect my eyes from sunlight and the wind. Because some skin has been removed, I also had to get used to drier eyes. As the week went on, I noticed that the swelling quickly subsided and that the eyelid started to look more and more natural. It all still feels tight, but every day I felt that this soon diminished.
Week 3
After 2 weeks, all the scabs were gone and I was allowed to start with the scar cream that I received from the clinic. Every evening, after cleaning, I smeared a thin layer of this on the scar. Lubricating did not hurt and the cream spread nicely. Good to know that the eyelids are often a bit thicker in the mornings and the puffines will disappear during t
Photo series week 1 to 9
Below you see a series of photos taken on each first day of the week, so you can clearly see how the healing has gone from week to week. Since the healing did not differ much from day to day, I stopped taking a photo every day from week 4. From week 4 there have been no details and I have still applied the scar cream every day before going to sleep. By the middle of week 6 I noticed that my eyes were starting to look more and more natural and I got more and more used to the change. The swelling was pretty much gone, only in the mornings when it was a little puffier. In week 11 I was checked for a final review on the end result. I doubted for a long time whether I should have the procedure, because I couldn’t find much comparison material of similar Asian Eyelid procedures and so I didn’t know exactly what to expect in terms of the recovery process. But afterwards I am so glad I did and my lids feel so much lighter. In addition, my eyelashes are directed more upwards, which used to be almost downwards. I hope that with my blog I have been able to provide more insight to people who are considering an Asian Eyelid procedure.
Before & After
What would you say to someone who is considering undergoing a treatment at Skin+Surgery?
I can recommend people to do an intake/ free consultation first. To share your wishes and expectations. In this way you will not be faced with surprises and you know what to expect.
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