Doctor Thanya in Beauty Plus Magazine

She was one of the best surgeons in the Netherlands at a young age but did not derive satisfaction from her profession. Dr Thanya Tha-In swapped vascular surgery for cosmetic surgery and opened her own clinic Skin+Surgery. Those who only want to drop by for a shot of Botox are welcome but Thanya and her team of cosmetic doctors, skin therapists, coaches and yoga instructors offer more: "There is a story behind every question. It is not my business to just spray away a wrinkle. It starts with good listening and paying close attention to both motivations and expectations." These days, Thanya derives satisfaction from her profession every day. "Over the past five years, I have established the clinic exactly the way I feel it is important. This is Thanya and this is what I want to do."


Zen. That is the first thing that comes to mind when you enter the big white building of Skin+Surgery in Bergschenhoek. The candles are burning. The large sofa invites you to take a rest. On the large table are magazines. The spacious windows provide wonderful light. Flowers wave on the screen and relaxing music plays in the background. At the back are large mirrors in which you could look at yourself from head to toe but that is something you could also leave to Dr Thanya Tha-In's practised eye. If you read the reviews on, there's no getting around it: this doctor takes the time for you, listens to your story and looks at you with the eye of a woman and an experienced doctor to then help you achieve your wish in the best way possible.

From surgeon to cosmetic doctor, how did that happen?


"My interest in cosmetic medicine has always been there. I just love beautiful things and wanted to do something with my hands. That's why I chose surgery first. Vascular surgery, because I wanted to master the most difficult form of surgery. If you can do that, you can operate on anything. As a surgeon, you have very little contact with people. At most, it's stopping by for a short story, like 'you have appendicitis and I'm going to operate on you. Here I make a small incision and tomorrow you can go home.' That's not human contact for me. I wanted to set up a cosmetic clinic that did pay a lot of attention to people. That generated a lot of surprised reactions from colleagues. Why are you going to open a cosmetic clinic? You can operate, can't you? Are you suffering from burn out? Is it too much for you? It was actually looked down upon a bit. Everyone thought it was a waste. A waste, why? I had to explain myself all the time. Fortunately, I don't have to do that now. This is who I am, this is what I do and this is also how I want to do it." "The nice thing is that I now have two medical specialisms as my title. I am a surgeon and a cosmetic doctor KNMG. This is unique in the Netherlands and I am extremely proud of it."

What makes your approach so different?


"I wanted to pay attention to the personal story behind a client's question. That came very naturally because I myself am very much influenced by how I feel. When I'm not feeling well, I suddenly only see wrinkles on myself and then I want to have all kinds of things done. I have been doing this work for ten years now, advising and treating people but sometimes also deciding not to treat someone. Because I sense blockages where I notice that inner work is needed first before we change anything on the outside. A good example is a 40-year-old woman who wanted to have a wrinkle sprayed away on her cheek. I look at the overall picture, the symmetry, the sagging but she was only focused on that one wrinkle. It was the wrinkle that she had got due to her divorce and so she called it her divorce wrinkle. This confirmed my feeling that there is a story behind every question. And that there also has to be a focus on that story to really help properly. I wanted to be able to offer more guidance in this respect, which is why we recently set up Soul+Surgery. That is a collaboration with psychologists and coaches who can provide support if needed."

You come for your face but you are going to do something with your mind?


"That's possible, but it can also be both. What I notice is that the step to do something to yourself also does something to your psyche. Even if it's just getting Botox injected. Some people think in their twenties that they will never do that, but start thinking about it in their thirties and when their friends start doing it too, they want to know more. That also needs good guidance. People also really want to know from me: do I need it or not? It is so important to give good advice on that. We actually treat very few people under 30 here. They come along, I have a nice conversation with them but usually nothing else. They don't need anything yet. What matters to me is knowing what clients' expectations are. What they want to achieve with treatment. And above all that they are doing it for themselves. There are strong emotions involved in all things to do with appearance. Feeling good in your skin is so important. When people do it for themselves and they also get a piece of themselves back with the right treatment, it's hugely empowering. You make someone more beautiful, happier and stronger."

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