From the age of 14, I started getting insecure about my labia'.
*Our client has kept a diary about her personal experience with a labia correction at Skin + Surgery. She kept a diary during her recovery period how the recovery process went, this is an example of a recovery process and can vary from person to person. How you experience a possible labia correction, we cannot predict exactly beforehand. Reading our bolg: Personal experience labia correction can help you take the step with us. Always be well informed during a personal consultation, so you can ask your questions and make an informed choice.
From the age of 14, I started getting insecure about my labia. It didn't feel nice on a bicycle and I didn't feel comfortable in my bikini... a few years later, I started to look into labia correction more and more and I really wanted to take this step. The discomfort and embarrassment was only getting worse and I also felt uncomfortable with this during sex. After doing a lot of reading and research, I ended up at Skin + Surgery Clinics.
Personal experience Labia correction: The consultation
The reason I chose Skin Surgery is because the contact here is very personal, they listen carefully to what you want and the aftercare is incredibly good. After the operation, they give you a phone number where you can reach them 24/7 and ask any questions you may have. After my operation, I also sent photos to the doctor twice because I wanted to make sure everything went well. They really are always there for you!
Once I got the consultation everything felt good and I was really looking forward to the operation, it really couldn't come soon enough for me. I was really looking forward to the aftermath because you are really out of it for a few weeks. They prepare you well for what to expect and what it's best to take in.
Personal experience Labia correction: The day of surgery
Once the day of surgery arrived, I was very nervous but there was really no need! I was given a numbing ointment that I was allowed to smear on myself before we started. Drs Amra was very sweet and told step by step what she was going to do. First you get a few pricks for anaesthesia, which was a bit annoying but didn't hurt. After that I didn't feel anything at all. You hear a device and you smell the smell of burnt meat, which can be strange for a while, but that's all. We had a nice chat and it was over in a flash.
Afterwards, I could stand in front of the mirror and knew immediately that this had been a very good choice, even though it still needed a long time to heal, I was so happy with the result! Of course, I knew there would be a few tough weeks ahead because I was well prepared for this during my consultation. My mother came to pick me up and I immediately brought my things to be with her for a week so that she could make food for me and I could stay seated as much as possible. Very important to really sit rather than lie down, this is much better for the recovery process.
Personal experience Labia correction: Recovery
Counter pressure is super important, which is why right after surgery I put on corrective underwear I had brought with me. I wore this for at least the first four weeks. From the moment I came home I sat down on a rolled-up towel for counter-pressure. I really did this all day every day for the first week, because of the counter pressure it recovered a lot better and faster. It might be hard and uncomfortable for a while to do nothing but sit on a towel, but it helped the process so much that the pain was not as bad as it was for me. I found the beginning especially mentally quite tough because you really can't do anything, have to cool down every hour for the first 2 days and are not allowed to walk. I could only shower for 2 minutes because standing still for too long was painful but as soon as I sat down again it was fine. It is very important to take a shower twice a day, because this keeps it hygienic.
Even though these things were all a bit uncomfortable in the first week, the pain was not too bad for me.
After the tenth day I went for a 10-minute walk outside. I had become extremely stiff from sitting upright all week and I felt my body could do it. This all went well so after that I went for a short walk every day, but once at home I took it very easy again.
After 2 weeks I actually felt pretty okay again. I was very happy with how quickly and well everything went. I was still taking it easy because I didn't want to rush anything or risk stitches coming loose, so I only went back to work after 3 weeks. Since then, things have only got better.
How the process goes differs from person to person, of course, but I am very happy with how it went. It was tough but no tougher than what I expected. if I had to, I would do it all over again because it was absolutely worth it.
Meanwhile, my surgery was about 3 months ago and I am extremely happy with the result. I had a final final check-up with Dr Amra who was also immensely proud of how well it had healed. This was really the best choice for me. I was still a bit afraid that sex might feel different or be less enjoyable, but this is definitely not true. I feel more confident and easier which has only made it more enjoyable!
If you have a question during recovery, don't hesitate to contact Skin + Surgery. I also called the clinic several times in between and was very kindly helped each time.
Following our client's story (Blog: Personal experience Labia correction), would you like more information about a labia correction or do you have questions you want to ask our specialist? We have gathered a lot of information for you on this page. Would you prefer direct personal advice? Request a free no-obligation consultation to see what we can do for you. You can also contact us by phone to make an appointment.
We also have another blog on our website of the recovery period after a Labia correction.
Bergschenhoek: 010- 310 56 20
The Hague: 070- 200 20 70
Price per treatment from: 1250.-
Note: Labial surgery is frequently offered by clinics and healthcare professionals these days, often at competitive rates and high discounts. Unfortunately, this often means that the procedure not is performed by an experienced surgeon. Therefore, always be well informed during a personal consultation and remember: if something seems too good to be true, it often is.