Hamster cheeks: otherwise remove buccal fat. What can you do?

Buccal fat removal is a cosmetic procedure in which the fatty tissue in the cheeks, also known as hamster cheeks, is removed. This procedure makes your face look slimmer and gives your cheekbones more definition. The buccal fat is located deep in the lower cheek, under the muscles. People with excessive buccal fat often feel like they have hamster cheeks. However, the amount of buccal fat varies from person to person and is not always related to your weight. It is important to know that buccal fat size is often hereditary and not affected by diet or exercise.

The buccal fat that causes hamster cheeks is a fat pad located deep in the cheek and surrounded by nerves. For this reason, liposuction in the cheeks is not recommended as it increases the risk of nerve damage. Often, double chin liposuction is combined with buccal fat removal, which provides a slimmer and more defined appearance to the jawline. In addition, fillers can be used to further accentuate the cheekbones or jawline.

Voordelen van Buccaal Vet Verwijderen

+ No visible scars: The incision is made on the inside of the cheek, scars are invisible.

+ Permanent results: The results are permanent, even if you gain weight.

+ Quick procedure: Removing the buccal fat usually takes only 60 minutes.

+ Minimum recovery time: Most patients can return to work after three days.

+ Adult appearance: This procedure helps people with a 'baby face' to get a more mature look.

+ Ideal for hamster cheeks: An effective solution to reduce hamster cheeks.

Disadvantages of buccal fat removal

+ Loss of volume: As you get older or lose a lot of weight, your face may appear more sunken after the procedure. The buccal fat naturally shrinks with age.

+ Complications: There are risks, such as bleeding, damage to the facial nerve and difficulty opening the mouth.

+ Swelling: After the procedure, you may experience swelling for several weeks, which is similar to symptoms after wisdom teeth extraction.

Who is a Good Candidate?

Buccal fat removal is an excellent procedure for people who feel that their face appears too round or full. It creates a slimmer, contoured and more sculpted lower third of the face. The ideal candidates have a BMI under 25.

buccal fat removal result hamster cheeks
buccal fat removal before and after

The intervention

The treatment starts with a local anesthetic. The surgeon then makes small incisions on the inside of the cheeks. The fat is removed through these small incisions and then sutured. The procedure is well tolerated and is reminiscent of a visit to the dentist. After the procedure you can go home almost immediately, but you are not allowed to drive independently. We recommend rinsing your mouth with Listerine three times a day, and after each meal, for optimal hygiene.

buccal fat

Aftercare after Buccal Fat Removal

It is essential to properly cool your cheeks after the procedure. The swelling can last for about a week. Because of the wound on the inside of your mouth, it is wise to consume soft foods and avoid hot drinks for a while. Curious about the results for our clients? Bekijk hier de voor- en na foto’s.

Cost for Buccal Fat Removal

The costs for removing buccal fat are €1750. Since removing fat from your face is considered a cosmetic procedure, the costs are not reimbursed by health insurance.

hamster cheeks before and after

Non-Surgical Alternatives for Buccal Fat Removal

Hamster cheeks can also be reduced without surgery. For example, consider treatment with Btx or fillers. Injecting botulinum toxin into the jaw muscle can cause the muscle to become slimmer, making the jawline appear less square. Using fillers can accentuate the cheekbones, making your face look more defined. It's all about balance, so it's important to get advice from a certified specialist with an aesthetic eye for your face.


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