Natural lip fillers without migration
Are you not naturally blessed with full lips? Or do you want to beautify the shape of your lips? Then lip fillers be a godsend for you. With lip filler treatment, not only can lips be made fuller, their shape can also be adjusted. By choosing the right filler, the right technique and a doctor who specialises in lip filler treatments, you can achieve a beautiful and natural result. So natural lip fillers without migrating the filler is definitely possible at Skin + Surgery Clinics.
Natural lip fillers
When plumping up your lips, you naturally want to avoid the so-called 'duck face'. We therefore aim for a natural result, but one that meets your needs, of course. Natural lip fillers require precision work: after all, you want fuller lips without it looking unnatural. It is therefore very important to keep the right proportions and make sure the lips remain well balanced in the face. We therefore take a close look at which filler best suits your needs and how much filler is used for the best results.
Lip fillers with the right technique
If you want to have your lips enlarged by lip fillers at Skin+Surgery Clinics, you will first come for a consultation with one of our cosmetic doctors. We will then discuss your wishes and see which filler is most suitable, but also which technique the doctor can best apply. This is because there are various techniques that, for example, allow the filler to be injected mainly into the red lip area or more from the lip edge. The cosmetic doctor will examine your lips carefully and go through the treatment and the expected end result with you.
Preventing migration in lip fillers
When you have lip fillers injected, it is done with the highest precision. We therefore want to migration for lip fillers occurrence. Migration in lip fillers means that the filler moves outside the injected area. Migration of lip filler is one of the most common complications after this treatment. It is not harmful or dangerous, but it is annoying. In fact, it can lead to asymmetric lips or bumps in the lips. Migration with lip fillers can be prevented, among other things, by choosing the right type of filler and the best-suited injection technique for your lips. But did you know that you yourself can also prevent migration of fillers in your lips? For example, by avoiding excessive movement in the first day after treatment, such as talking or laughing a lot. Do you still have questions about lip filler migration? Then feel free to ask one of our doctors.
More balance in your face
Your lips have a prominent place in your face. If you are considering lip fillers, it is therefore important to choose a qualified doctor who will listen carefully to your wishes. That way, you will achieve a beautiful result with natural lip fillers so that your lips remain a good match for your face.
Tailor-made advice with no obligation!
Are you interested in lip filler treatment and would like personalised advice? We are happy to give you personalised advice so that you can enjoy the most beautiful and long-lasting results.... All our doctors are NVCG certified and have extensive experience in injectable treatments. We are transparent and always give honest and knowledgeable advice. Would you like to schedule a consultation + treatment right away? Then click here. We welcome you to our clinic in The Hague or Bergschenhoek (Rotterdam). You can contact us by phone at 070 - 200 20 70 (Available daily until 10pm).