Tear duct fillers against puffiness and dark circles

When someone looks at you, they often look at your eyes first. If you suffer from bags and dark circles under your eyes, you soon look tired. Fortunately, a fresh and awake look can be achieved through tear duct fillers. In this article, we will take a closer look at what tear duct fillers are, what techniques are available and what type of filler is suitable for this treatment.

Teardrop filler: suitable for whom?

Tear ducts run from the inside to the outside of your eye. These gutters sometimes create a shadow under your eye, so to speak, making you appear to have puffiness. They can occur due to loss of volume with age, but it can also occur in younger people. Do you have bags or dark circles under your eyes and would like a fresh look again? Then tear duct fillers suitable for you. With fillers, the transition from your lower eyelid to your cheek is filled, not only eliminating puffiness but also reducing dark circles.

Teardrop fillers: the technique behind the treatment

When you have your bags filled with fillers, it requires special expertise and experience from the cosmetic doctor. The skin under the eyes is thin, so the filler must be placed with precision to make the transition from eyelid to cheek less visible while keeping the result natural. Our doctors have extensive experience in this treatment and can provide you with personalised advice in a consultation.

tear duct filters front view

Teardrop fillers: which filler is most suitable?

Before the doctor determines the most suitable filler with you, he or she will check whether you have fluid retention under your eyes. This is because most hyaluronic acid-based fillers attract moisture, which can actually make puffiness worse. For certain areas, this can be a nice bonus of the filler, but if you want to reduce puffiness or dark circles with fillers, you don't want that moisture-attracting property. The filler Teosyal is a filler that attracts minimal moisture and is therefore very suitable for tear duct filler treatment. This filler is also more suitable for people who quickly retain moisture in other areas of the face.

Tailor-made advice with no obligation!

So a treatment with tear duct fillers can be a good solution if you suffer from puffiness or dark circles. Are you interested in lip filler treatment and would like personalised advice? We are happy to give you personalised advice so that you can enjoy the most beautiful and long-lasting result.... All our doctors are NVCG certified and have extensive experience in injectable treatments. We are transparent and always give honest and knowledgeable advice. Would you like to schedule a consultation + treatment right away? Then click here. We welcome you to our clinic in The Hague or Bergschenhoek (Rotterdam). You can contact us by phone at 070 - 200 20 70 (Available daily until 10pm).

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