How to get the longest enjoyment from your filler treatment

Nowadays, if you book filler treatment in the Netherlands from a specialised doctor and reliable clinic, you will be treated with non-permanent fillers. This means that the effects will not last forever and the filler, consisting of the body's own hyaluronic acid, will be broken down by your body over time.


Exactly how long the results last depends on the type of filler, the 'thickness' of the substance, the formula and where the filler is inserted. A lip filler is usually a soft filler in a very mobile area. It therefore does not last as long as, say, filler in the jawline, which is firmer and stays more in place.


There are also individual factors that play a role such as your metabolism, lifestyle and stress. On average, you will enjoy your filler for 9 to 12 months. Even though the results of your filler treatment are temporary, you can do the necessary things yourself to enjoy your treatment for as long as possible.


Protect your skin

Proper sun protection is always important because it speeds up the skin's ageing process and is one of the main causes of wrinkles. When you have had a filler treatment, you have an extra reason to keep your skin out of the sun. This is because those UV rays can cause certain fillers to break down faster and be absorbed faster by the body. Therefore, for best results, use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 every day and try to avoid the bright sun.

Eat healthy

You are what you eat. A healthy diet that includes as few unprocessed foods as possible, lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins, can help prolong the results of your filler treatment. Eating a lot of junk or processed food can create an inflammatory response in the body, which can speed up the rate at which your body breaks down filler (hyaluronic acid).

Stop smoking

That smoking is bad for your health you probably already knew, but experience shows that it also affects the results of your filler treatment. Smoking has strong negative effects on the quality of your skin. Every puff of a cigarette causes an influx of free radicals. Free radicals are unstable oxygen atoms and 'steal' electrons from our healthy cells. As a result, our healthy cells become unstable. Unstable cells are associated with skin ageing, such as fine lines and wrinkles, by destroying our collagen and elastin. Furthermore, smoking reduces blood flow, allowing less oxygen to reach the skin. This slows down the healing process. You will see results from your filler treatment if you smoke, but we see big differences in the longevity of the effect compared to non-smokers.

Be careful when exercising

We will always recommend a healthy lifestyle, with a healthy diet and adequate exercise. However, excessive exercise and sports where you burn a lot of calories can break down the fillers faster after your treatment. The higher your metabolism and metabolic rate is, the faster the hyaluronic acid from the filler is broken down by the body. However, feel free to continue your workout routine if you already lead an active lifestyle. Exercise is always better than sitting still, even if it means breaking down your fillers a little faster. Just know that you might need a repeat treatment sooner if you are an avid athlete.

Avoid stress

A lot of stress is not good for us anyway, but it can also affect your fillers. When stressed, your body makes extra stress hormones like cortisol. Too many stress hormones can affect the ageing process and break down your fillers faster. Do you often experience stress? Or do you get out of balance easily? Get started with breathing exercises, meditation or yoga. These are proven effective for anxiety and stress.

Choose the right skin care

Although skin care products alone are often not enough to completely remedy sagging skin, wrinkles or fine lines, they can provide very nice support for your filler treatment. Results can be optimised with the right products and they can help you enjoy your treatment for longer. Regular use of a hydrating serum, such as SkinCeuticals H.A Intensifier, helps retain moisture and improve the efficacy of hyaluronic acid-based fillers. Some filler brands have developed their own products to optimise the results of filler treatments. These include the Profhilo Haenkenium® Serum in support of the Profhilo treatment.

Schedule your repeat treatments

Re-treatment to prolong the results of your filler treatment may not seem entirely fair, but it is the most effective way to continue enjoying smooth, wrinkle-free skin. The trick is to schedule your repeat treatment before your filler has had a chance to fully dissolve. This way, you can always 'stack' a bit and never start from scratch.


Do you still have questions about fillers or the different treatments? Our specialists will be happy to help. Feel free to schedule a non-binding consultation in for personal and honest advice.

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