What is the labia correction including V-lift?

Labia correction incl. V-lift – There are different types of vulvas and there are also different types of labia correction. Some women suffer from very long labia and a lot of excess skin above their clitoris. SkinSurgery offers labia correction including clitoral hood correction for them. Others suffer from excess skin around the vulva and clitoris, which can droop. SkinSurgery also has a solution for this: a labia correction including a V-lift. But what exactly does the labia correction including the V-lift do? We are happy to explain to you what this treatment looks like and why our SkinSurgery specialists recommend that some women undergo labiaplasty including a V-lift.

What is the labia correction including V-lift?

SkinSurgery offers three different types of labiaplasty:

  1. A 'regular' labia correction
  2. A labia correction including clitoral hood surgery
  3. A labia correction including V-lift


Bij een reguliere labiacorrectie worden de binnenste schaamlippen verkleind. Hiervoor kan worden gekozen vanuit cosmetische, maar ook vanuit medische redenen. De binnenste schaamlippen (labia minora) worden operatief verkleind zodat ze binnen de buitenste schaamlippen (labia majora) vallen en hierdoor beter beschermd worden. Sommige vrouwen ondergaan ook een clitoriskapcorrectie. Deze optie is voor vrouwen die last hebben van overtollige huid boven de clitoris. Overtollige huid boven de clitoris kan leiden tot minder gevoel, moeite met stimulatie, of zelfs pijn bij het dragen van strakke kleding of bij sportactiviteiten. Daarnaast kan de clitoriskapcorrectie ook overwogen worden wegens cosmetische redenen. De ingreep past de vorm aan en verbetert de symmetrie van de vulva.

Pubic lip correction including V-lift


The labia correction including the V-lift actually starts during a consultation. The SkinSurgery specialist examines the vulva and determines whether a V-lift is necessary. You cannot therefore choose not to undergo a V-lift if the specialist determines that this is necessary. SkinSurgery promises the highest quality and natural results and we can only deliver on this if our advice is followed. But what makes the labia correction including V-lift so different from the regular labia correction?


Pubic lip correction procedure

There are several ways to reduce the size of the labia minora and change the appearance of the vulva. SkinSurgery uses the edge resection or the wedge resection. This is done under local anesthesia. The edge resection involves trimming the “excess” protruding edges of the labia. A wedge resection preserves the original labial edges by cutting wedge-shaped skin flakes from the center of the labia minora, bringing the remaining skin together with dissolvable sutures. There are also two procedures for the labia majora. One can cut away the tissue or use liposuction on labia that are longer or fuller than desired. One can also choose to inject fat or another filling material to fill labia that are not as full as desired.


For the labia correction including V-lift, the excess skin around the vulva, including the skin next to the clitoris, is also included. This is a completely different technique because more is done than just removing the skin from the inner labia. A labia correction including a V-lift ensures that the vulva looks tight and lifted, creating a beautiful whole.

Before and after photos of labia correction including V-lift

Our clients vary enormously and so do their vulvas. The before and after photos below show exactly what the effect of the V-lift is. The inner labia and excess fat on the sides of the clitoris are taken away so that the vulva looks streamlined.

for labia reduction
after labia reduction

Are you curious about what SkinSurgery can do for you? Then you can choose a non-binding consultation plan. Our specialists are happy to listen to your story, give appropriate advice and create a personalized treatment plan based on your wishes. Want to read when other clients chose to undergo their labia correction? Some of them share it in their reviews on  kliniekervaringen.nl.

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