When is it time for eyelid surgery?

When is it time for a eyelid surgery en wat kunt u verwachten van de ingreep? Of u nu last hebt van overhangende oogleden of juist wallen onder de ogen, onze ervaren cosmetisch artsen voeren verschillende ooglidcorrecties uit. Wij adviseren u  graag en vertellen u graag meer over de pijnloze behandeling van een bovenooglidcorrectie met langdurig resultaat.


Are you considering upper eyelid surgery? Then you are not alone! Eyelid correction is a popular procedure worldwide. This is for two simple reasons. First of all, because almost everyone will sooner or later have to deal with drooping eyelids or bags under the eyes. It is part of the natural aging process. You may suffer from headaches and it can hinder your vision, but you also simply do not want to look tired and rather radiate how you feel. In addition, an eyelid correction is popular because it is a relatively simple procedure compared to other surgical procedures. Of course, provided the eyelid correction is performed by a certified doctor. All our doctors are KNMG certified cosmetic doctors.

Do you want to see the world with fresh eyes again, exchange your tired appearance for a radiant look and no more headaches due to tired eyes? Then an eyelid correction might be something for you! An upper eyelid correction has all positive consequences, which many have experienced before you. But how do you determine when it is best to have an eyelid correction performed?

Eyelid surgery benefits

Eyelid surgery has many benefits, for several reasons. Generally, the main benefits are:

  • Correcting overhanging eyelids by removing excess skin, muscle and fat
  • Less tension on your forehead
  • No more sight obstruction
  • Less tired appearance and more fresh, open look
  • Long-lasting result 8 - 10 years
  • Simple procedure, short recovery period
  • Natural result

What is eyelid surgery?

When people talk about an eyelid correction, they usually mean an operation on the upper eyelids or bags under the eyes. During eyelid correction, in addition to excess skin, often too much muscle and fat is also removed. As you age, the elasticity of the skin decreases, causing the eyelids and the muscles that support the eyelids to weaken. A consequence of this is that excess fat can accumulate above and below the eyelids. The result? Drooping eyebrows, heavy upper eyelids and bags under the eyes.

Eyelid surgery doesn't just have to be for droopy eyelids or puffiness. In fact, SkinSurgery also offers a Asian eyelid surgery to, also known as the 'double eyelid surgery'. This is a procedure aimed at creating a crease in the upper eyelid. This can be done on eyes that naturally have no, or difficult to see, creases. The procedure makes the eyes look larger, rounder and more open.


Upper eyelid surgery before and after photo

eyelid surgery before and after

Asian eyelid surgery before and after photo

When is it time for eyelid surgery? before and after

What can you expect from an eyelid correction at SkinSurgery?

SkinSurgery offers expert eyelid corrections, supervised by specialized cosmetic doctors, with the focus on a natural result. To ensure natural and long-lasting results, it is sometimes necessary to also remove some muscle and fat tissue. If we leave excess fat, it will again cause sagging of the eyelids. You will also continue to have thick, puffy eyes, which will become more prominent if you remove the excess skin, but do not take the fat with it. After the excess skin, any excess muscle and, if necessary, excess fat have been removed, the skin is expertly sutured again with one continuous, non-dissolvable suture. The scar will later fall nicely into the fold, so that it is minimally visible.

An upper eyelid correction is a relatively simple and painless treatment that takes approximately 45 minutes. With a specially developed aftercare protocol, you will recover quickly after the procedure with minimal swelling and bruising. For us, a natural result is our priority. The outside world will not see anything of the procedure; they only see you shining!

How do you determine whether it is time for an eyelid correction?

Eyelid corrections are common in middle-aged people, but young adults can also suffer from too much skin above their eyes (overhanging eyelids). How do you determine when it is time for an upper eyelid correction? It could be for cosmetic reasons; You don't feel tired, but you look tired or you always suffer from smeared make-up on your eyes. On the other hand, you may also experience discomfort when too much skin presses on your eyelids, causing you to raise your eyebrows all day long to keep your eyes open. This can give you a headache and it can obscure your vision.

lower eyelid correction treatment effect

When is it time for eyelid surgery? When do people generally undergo eyelid surgery?

The best candidates for eyelid surgery are people who are in good health and have a realistic idea of what they want. Most are 35 or older, but if drooping or droopy eyelids run in your family, you may decide to have the surgery earlier. Just because one person decides to undergo eyelid surgery at the age of 35 does not mean you have to do the same at that age. As we shared, it varies from individual to individual.

The treatment has a long-lasting result. Depending on the shape of your eyes, you will enjoy eyelid correction for at least 10 to 15 years. So whether you're 30 or 65, you'll definitely benefit from it. You can get the most out of the treatment with a healthy lifestyle and good skin care. If you are unsure whether this is the right time for you to undergo eyelid correction, schedule a no-obligation consultation. Our experienced doctors are happy to advise you! At SkinSurgery, the highest quality and personal attention come first. During a no-obligation consultation, we can analyze your face and eyes, see how elastic your skin is, after which we can advise exactly whether it is the right time for an eyelid correction.

Before and after photos of eyelid surgery at different ages

Our clients vary enormously and so do their ages. We share here are some before and after pictures of several clients who chose to undergo eyelid surgery at various ages. When eyelid surgery was the right choice for them, you can reasonably judge for yourself from their 'before' photo.

Eyelid correction Zuid-Holland

Are you considering an eyelid correction and want to be helped close to home? SkinSurgery has clinics in The Hague and Bergschenhoek, near Rotterdam. This makes our clinic easily accessible from Rijswijk, Leidschendam, Zoetermeer, Pijnacker, Delft, Voorburg, Leiden and Nootdorp. Of course, you are also welcome if you come from outside South Holland. Plan a non-binding consultation in. Our specialists are happy to listen to your story, give appropriate advice and create a personalised treatment plan based on your wishes.

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