Asian eyelid surgery is always preceded by a no-obligation consultation. A consultation can take place once the photos you have sent have been assessed by the surgeon, meaning that you are a potentially suitable candidate. Then, in a personal meeting with one of our specialists, in a relaxed setting, you can ask all your questions, discuss your wishes and express your expectations about the treatment.
Again, our specialist assesses your eligibility for an Asian eyelid surgery and provides a clear explanation of the treatment, aftercare, risks, costs and the expected natural end result. Photographs are taken before the treatment and later placed next to post-treatment photos.
We fully understand how you feel. Eyelid surgery is a procedure you may have been thinking about for years and now finally dare to take the step. We are happy to guide you through the process from A to Z, including using a specially developed aftercare protocol.
Have you become curious or have personal questions? Book a no-obligation consultation. We will be happy to talk to you.