Eyelid correction against a drooping eyelid on one side
Drooping eyelid on one side -
A drooping eyelid on the side is often due to stretching of the tendon of the levator muscle or loosening of the attachment to this muscle. This muscle runs from the top of the eye socket to the eyelid and controls the upper eyelid, so to speak. When this muscle functions properly, the eye looks 'normal'. Sometimes the muscle functions well, but the position of the eyelid edge in relation to the eye is low.
There are a number of causes for a drooping eyelid on one side:
- Sagging of tissue due to the ageing process
- Long-term wearing of (hard) contact lenses
- Previous eyelid surgery not performed correctly and/or severe eye infections
- Accidents involving swelling of eyelid tissue
The solution to a drooping eyelid on one side, is an upper eyelid correction. An upper eyelid correction involves removing excess skin, often in combination with excess fatty tissue. If the remaining function of the levator muscle is sufficient, shortening this muscle can correct the drooping eyelid. It is a minor operation that often takes less than 45 minutes. An A clinic, such as Skin + Surgery, has the aesthetic focus that ensures the result is not only achieved but also beautiful.
Don't suffer from drooping eyelids on one side, but do you suffer from sunken bags or double eyelids, for example? Then upper eyelid surgery is probably not the right choice, but lower eyelid surgery might be. For some, double eyelid surgery (an Asian eyelid surgery) will be more appropriate. Read more about the different types of eyelid surgery we offer here and schedule a no-obligation consultation with our specialists today.