OOC treatment

The clinic for lower eyelid correction treatments

An lower eyelid surgery is a more complex procedure than upper eyelid surgery. So it starts with a well-trained surgeon, who has a lot of experience in this procedure. Read more

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How does lower eyelid surgery work?


Consultation with the specialist


Consultation with the specialist

A lower eyelid correction is always preceded by a no-obligation consultation. The first no-obligation consultation can take place once the photos you have sent have been assessed by the surgeon, meaning you are a potentially suitable candidate. Then, in a personal meeting with one of our specialists, in a relaxed setting, you can ask all your questions, discuss your wishes and express your expectations about the treatment.

Our concerned specialist will assess your eligibility for upper and/or lower eyelid correction and provide a clear explanation of the treatment, the pre- and aftercare, the risks, the costs and the expected natural end result. A second introductory meeting with your attending physician always follows. Photographs are taken before the treatment and later placed next to post-treatment photographs, also giving you an honest picture of how the final result will be.

A lower eyelid correction is a procedure you may have been thinking about for years and now finally dare to take the step. We will be happy to guide you through the process from A to Z. With a specially prepared aftercare protocol, we ensure that your recovery is successful.

Have you become curious or have personal questions? Book a no-obligation consultation. We will be happy to talk to you.





Lower eyelid surgery illustration photo

Lower eyelid surgery is a surgical procedure performed under sedation (local anaesthesia combined with an intoxication), for which you must be sober and not eat or drink for 6 hours beforehand. The operation is performed as a day case.

In lower eyelid surgery, a minimal incision is made just below the lash line or on the inside of the lower eyelid, after which the puffiness is removed.

Lower eyelid surgery involves removing or repositioning excess skin, fat and muscle tissue, depending on the specific needs. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia i.c.w. an intoxication and takes about 60 to 90 minutes.

You can go home after the procedure and after a short rest period. You should not drive your own car because of the swelling/moisture around the eyes and the resulting reduced vision. The treatment has long-term results. Depending on the shape of your eyes, you will enjoy the correction of the eyelids for at least 8 to 10 years. With a healthy lifestyle and good skin care, you will get the most out of the treatment.





Your aftercare is our concern. We work with a specially developed aftercare protocol to ensure a smooth recovery with minimal risk of complications.

You may shower one day (24 hours) after the procedure and rinse the eyes with a gentle jet. Gently pat the treatment area dry with a towel, without rubbing. Immediately after your lower eyelid surgery, start cooling the eyelids to reduce swelling and redness. Cool the wound for 15 minutes every hour with a cold pack and/or frozen peas, placing a gauze between your eyes and the cold pack/frozen peas. For the first few days, sleep with an extra pillow so that your head is higher. For mild pain, a paracetamol is sufficient.

In the first two weeks, do not perform any strenuous physical activity, such as heavy physical work, lifting, bending or intense sports. The stitches will be removed after 9 to 10 days. You are strongly advised not to smoke until then. After 2 to 3 weeks, the wounds are completely closed and the scabs disappear. You may apply make-up and wear contact lenses again. You will have a check-up 6-8 weeks after the lower eyelid correction. Keep your treated eyelids out of bright sunlight and do not go under a sunbed or to the sauna for the first 3 months.





There are risks associated with any procedure. However, the risk of complications in lower eyelid surgery is small if you follow our advice.

It is normal to see redness, swelling and bruising around the eyes after treatment. You may experience mild post-treatment pain that will go away on its own or with a paracetamol.

Lower eyelid surgery requires more patience than upper eyelid surgery. The recovery requires more time and energy, for example, fluid may be present under the eyes for longer.

In occasional cases, complications occur, such as post-bleeding, eye inflammation, eyelid edge insensitivity, uneven eyelids, cysts, ectropion or scarring. When in doubt, always contact the specialists at SkinSurgery Clinics.

Lower eyelid surgery

bocooc result
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end result Upper and lower eyelid surgery
Upper and lower eyelid surgery before and after progression
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Lower eyelid surgery

Want to get rid of that tired look?

Do you feel like you always have puffiness? While still feeling rested? With lower eyelid surgery, we can fix the puffiness and give you back your fresh look.

Treatments performed


Average rating


Highly trained specialists

Lower eyelid surgery

Prices and fees

SkinSurgery Clinics is transparent in its prices. Costs depend on the treatment, prices include pre- and after-care. Sometimes a lower eyelid correction is reimbursed for medical reasons. Inquire about the possibilities with your health insurer.

Lower eyelid surgery | Comprehensive 2200
Upper and lower eyelid surgery | Skin only 2300
Upper and lower eyelid surgery | Extensive 2800

We are SkinSurgery Clinics

Specialist in Lower eyelid surgery

At SkinSurgery Clinics, we understand how important it is to look and feel fresh and rested. Tired eyes with dark circles or puffiness can make you look tired. For example, do you often get asked if you are tired even when you feel energetic? A lower eyelid surgery (of upper eyelid surgery) biedt de ideale oplossing.

This operation is different from a eyelid surgery Bij deze ingreep wordt overtollige huid en vet van de onderste oogleden verwijdert, waardoor uw weer uw jeugdige uitstraling terugkrijgt. Voorafgaand een onderooglidcorrectie nodigen we u graag uit op een vrijblijvend consult zodat we u kunnen voorzien van alle informatie over de behandeling, de voor- en nazorg en het te verwachten natuurlijke eindresultaat. Ontdek hoe de behandeling bij SkinSurgery Clinics uw zelfvertrouwen kan herstellen en uw kunt genieten van een jeugdigere en frisse oogopslag.

Lower eyelid surgery

Our lower eyelid surgery reviews

Check out the results and read the experiences of the many women and men who previously underwent it at our clinic. SkinSurgery Clinics has ample expertise in the field of lower eyelid surgery. You will see photos before and after treatment, with natural results.

Marianne - Eyelid surgery

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Very pleasant experience

The intake was very pleasant, time was taken and clear explanations given. The correction was done in a pleasant atmosphere and I am very happy with the result. Aftercare is also done carefully and with attention. I benefited a lot from the app. All my questions were answered there and I was given good instructions.

Addie - Eyelid surgery

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Anaesthetic unpleasant but everything painless afterwards. Fine and friendly guidance. Quiet environment with pleasant staff.

Mandy - Eyelid surgery

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Excellent service

I was 1000% pleased with the treatment. I was very well talked through everything and put at ease. I can't say anything about the end result yet, because I'm still wearing patches.


Lower eyelid surgery

Always a specialised and certified surgeon for your lower eyelid correction. Excellent pre- and after-care. Natural results. Youthful and fresh appearance.

Lower eyelid surgery

Do you suffer from bags under your eyes? As a result, do people often ask if you are tired? Puffiness can define your entire face and how it appears.

Read more

A special technique

A lower eyelid correction is a more complex procedure than an upper eyelid correction (the upper eyelid). So it starts with a well-trained doctor/surgeon, who has a lot of experience in this procedure.

Read more

Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question that is not answered? Feel free to contact us Monday to Sunday, between 08:00 and 22:00, at the following number or email.

For whom is lower eyelid correction suitable?

You have often been considering lower eyelid surgery for some time, but when you actually take the plunge is different for everyone. Regardless of the underlying desire for your lower eyelid correction, it is important to first find out whether you qualify for it. For example, if you have thin skin, it is important to get the skin in good condition first, or we may recommend another suitable treatment. The best way to do this is to request a no-obligation physical consultation with our specialists.

What exactly is eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery involves the removal of skin and fat from the upper and/or lower eyelids. When eyelid surgery is performed from a cosmetic point of view, it can achieve a fresher and more rested look. Eyelid surgery can also be performed from a medical standpoint when the overhanging eyelids are causing symptoms. In both cases, the procedure is the same and skin is surgically removed.

Post-treatment and check-up after lower eyelid surgery

After 9-10 days after lower eyelid surgery, the stitches and plasters are removed during the check-up appointment. 6-8 weeks after surgery, you will come for a check-up with one of our specialists.

Our advice after lower eyelid surgery

You will experience the least swelling after surgery if you sleep with an extra pillow so that your head is higher than the rest of your body. During the first week after surgery, try to avoid bending over, heavy lifting, coughing and pushing.

How is wound care after surgery?

We advise you to cool for 15 minutes every hour on the day of surgery using a cool pack or a bag of peas from the freezer. During cooling, place a gauze pad between the eyes and the cooling pack.

After surgery, you may experience bruising and swelling of the lower eyelids, so you may not be able to close your eyes completely after surgery. This will recover once the swelling has gone down. You should not cut the ends of the stitches yourself.

You may shower again the day after surgery. After showering, try to dab the wound dry and not wipe it.

What is the wound care after lower eyelid surgery?

We advise you to cool for 15 minutes every hour on the day of surgery using a cool pack or a bag of peas from the freezer. During cooling, place a gauze pad between the skin and the cooling pack. Any bruising usually disappears within 2 weeks.

After surgery, you may experience bruising and swelling of the lower eyelids, so you may not be able to close your eyes completely after surgery. This will recover once the swelling has gone down. You should not cut the ends of the stitches yourself.

You may shower again the day after your lower eyelid surgery. After showering, try to dab the wound dry and not wipe it. After 9-10 days, the stitches will be removed by one of our specialists.

So how does lower eyelid surgery work?

Performing eyelid surgery requires skilled work. There are different types of eyelid surgery, all with different intended results. To determine your eligibility for the procedure and which technique best suits your desired result, a preliminary examination is needed. During the preliminary examination, there is room to ask all your questions. Photos are also taken for the medical record. With the preliminary examination, we ensure that you get a realistic expectation of the intended results.

Dr Thanya Tha-in SkinSurgery Clinics

Doctor Thanya Tha-In is one of the founders of SkinSurgery Clinics and studied medicine at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Thanya looks beyond the area to be treated and is genuinely interested in you as a person. With care and attention, she explains your options and is realistic in the expected result. This applies to treatment with injectables, but equally to surgery.

Dr Thanya Tha-In

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician & Surgeon

Free eyelid scan

Are you interested in lower eyelid surgery but unsure whether you have the right indication? Our cosmetic doctors/surgeons give honest and personal advice based on your supplied photos. After the online advice, we will be happy to invite you for a no-obligation consultation tailored to your needs.

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