BOC treatment

The clinic for medical eyelid surgery

An upper eyelid correction is a minor cosmetic procedure that has a significant impact: you can once again look at the world with an open and clear gaze AND you are rid of your symptoms.

  • Highest quality

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  • NVCG certified

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  • Personal attention

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  • Natural result

How does a medical eye lift treatment proceed?


Consultation with the specialist


Consultation with the specialist

An eye lift is always preceded by a free consultation. You can ask all your questions, discuss your wishes and express your expectations about the treatment in a personal conversation with our specialists in a relaxed setting.

Our dedicated specialist/ cosmetisch arts assesses whether you are eligible for a correction of the upper and/or lower eyelids. You will also receive a clear explanation of the treatment, aftercare, risks, costs and the expected natural end result. Photos are taken before the treatment and are later placed next to photos taken after the treatment. This is so that you can clearly see the difference in how the eyelids looked before the procedure as well as during the final result.

We understand very well how you feel. A ooglift is an intervention that you may have been thinking about for years and now finally dare to take the step. We are happy to guide you through the process of A tot ZWith a specially developed aftercare protocol, you will recover quickly with minimal zwelling and blauwe plekken.

Are you curious or do you have personal questions for us? Book a free consultation without obligation. We are happy to speak to you.

However, if after careful preliminary examination it appears that there is PTOSIS, we will refer you to the hospital for a chirurgische ooglidcorrectie. In andere gevallen behandelen wij u graag.





Eyelid surgery line

Bij een bovenooglidcorrectie worden eerst de upper eyelids afgetekend. Het litteken valt precies in de natuurlijke plooi en is hierdoor later nauwelijks zichtbaar. Tevens krijgt u littekencréme mee van ons om het litteken te verzorgen.

A ooglift is een vrijwel pijnloze behandeling. De behandeling duurt circa 45 minuten. U mag na de behandeling niet zelfstandig autorijden.

Eyelid surgery illustration photo

A ooglift wordt uitgevoerd onder plaatselijke verdoving tijdens een dagbehandeling. Na de lokale verdoving is de behandeling vrijwel pijnloos. Mocht u heel zenuwachtig zijn voor de ingreep, kunnen we u kalmerende medicatie voorschrijven. Het is belangrijk dat u zich comfortabel en veilig voelt tijdens de ingreep. Zowel het linker- als rechterooglid zullen met prikjes, in de huid van het ooglid, worden verdoofd.

Eyelid correction drawing muscle

Besides removing excess skin, it may also be necessary to remove excess muscle. Of course, this does not affect the function of the eye as it involves excess muscle.

Eyelid correction drawing eye

Om natuurlijke en langdurige resultaten te kunnen garanderen, is het soms noodzakelijk om ook het vetweefsel te verwijderen. Indien wij dit overtollig vet zouden laten zitten, zal het opnieuw zorgen voor verzakking van de oogleden. Tevens blijft u ”dikke/puffy” ogen houden wat prominenter wordt indien het vetweefsel niet wordt meegenomen.

Nadat de verslapte huid, eventueel overtollig spier en indien nodig vetweefsel is verwijderd, wordt u weer kundig gehecht. Vervolgens wordt het ooglid met één doorlopende, niet oplosbare hechting gehecht. Het litteken valt later mooi in de natuurlijke plooi, zodat deze minimaal zichtbaar is.

Over deze niet oplosbare hechting worden steristrips (pleisters) geplakt

Na één week komt u op controle, zodat we kunnen zien hoe het met u gaat. Dit is ook het moment waarop de pleisters alsmede de niet oplosbare hechtingen door ons worden verwijderd. Dit is vrijwel pijnloos en binnen mum van tijd gebeurd.

Een ooglift is een relatief eenvoudige en pijnloze behandeling die ongeveer 45 minuten duurt. U kunt na de ingreep en na een korte rusttijd naar huis. U mag vanwege het verminderde zicht niet zelf autorijden.

The ooglift heeft een langdurig resultaat. Afhankelijk van de vorm van uw ogen, heeft u zeker 8 tot 10 jaar plezier van de ooglift en is de behandeling zichtbaar. Met een gezonde levenswijze en goede huidverzorging/ huidtherapie haalt u het maximale uit de behandeling.





Your aftercare is our care. We work with a specially developed aftercare protocol so that you recover smoothly with minimal risk of complications.

U mag een dag (24 uur) na de ingreep douchen en met een zachte straal uw ogen spoelen. Dep het behandelde gebied met een handdoek droog, zonder te wrijven. Start meteen na de operatie met het koelen van de bovenoogleden / onderoogleden , om de zwelling en roodheid tegen te gaan. Koel de wond elk uur een kwartier met een coldpack en/of diepvrieserwten, waarbij u een gaasje tussen uw ogen en de coldpack/diepvrieserwten plaatst. Slaap de eerste dagen met een extra kussen, zodat uw hoofd hoger ligt. Bij lichte pijnklachten is een paracetamol toereikend.

Verricht zowel in de eerste week als in de tweede week geen zware fysieke inspanningen, zoals zware fysieke arbeid, tillen, bukken of intensief sporten. De hechtingen worden na 7 tot 9 dagen verwijderd. Het wordt afgeraden om tot die tijd te roken. Na 2 tot 3 weken zijn de wondjes volledig dicht en de korstjes verdwenen. Bij het verwijderen van de hechtingen krijgt u van ons littekencréme mee om het litteken te verzorgen. Na 2 weken mag u weer make-up aanbrengen en contactlenzen dragen. Na deze a few weeks bent U dan tevens weer in staat om al uw dagelijkse activiteiten op te pakken. Indien u zich aan hiervoor genoemd nazorg protocol houdt, kunnen wij u het best outcome garanderen.

U komt 6 – 8 weken na de bovenooglidcorrectie op eindcontrole. Stel de littekens gedurende 3 maanden na de operatie niet bloot aan UV- zonlicht en/of de zonnebank.





Een bovenooglidcorrectie is een kleine en betrekkelijk eenvoudige ingreep, zonder grote risico’s of kans op complicaties. Het is normaal dat er na de behandeling roodheid, zwelling en bloeduitstortingen rond de ogen zichtbaar zijn. Hiervan zult u binnen afzienbare tijd herstellen. Daarnaast kunt u last hebben van lichte napijn die vanzelf of met een paracetamol overgaat. In incidentele gevallen treden complicaties op, zoals een nabloeding, een infectie, ongelijke oogleden, cysten of littekenvorming. Neem bij twijfel altijd contact op met de specialisten van SkinSurgery Clinics.

Medical eyelid surgery

upper eyelid surgery final effect
upper eyelid surgery outcome
upper eyelid surgery final outcome
upper eyelid surgery outcome
upper eyelid correction end effect
upper eyelid correction result
skinsurgery for after upper eyelid correction
upper eyelid corection before and after progression
upper eyelid correction final result photos
boc result
drooping eyelids before after result
before and after upper eyelid correction treatment outcome
upper eyelid correction result eyelid surgery
eyelid surgery upper eyelid surgery result
treatment Eyelid correction before and after
before and after eyelid surgery results
eyelid correction before and after outcome
result boc
Bovenooglidcorrectie welke leeftijd
Bovenooglidcorrectie voor mannen skinsurgery clinics
Bovenooglidcorrectie voor en na skinsurgery clinics
Bovenooglidcorrectie skinsurgery clinics
Bovenooglidcorrectie kosten skinsurgery clinics
bovenooglidcorrectie behandeling skinsurgery clinics

Medical eye lift

Finally complaints-free and a radiant look!

Complaint-free at last. No more headaches or fatigue, thanks to a medical eye lift. A treatment plan completely tailored to your needs, so that you are symptom-free again as soon as possible and can enjoy a radiant look.

Treatments performed


Average rating


Highly trained specialists

Medical eye lift

Prices and fees

SkinSurgery Clinics is transparent in its prices. Costs depend on the treatment, prices include pre- and after-care. Sometimes eyelid surgery is reimbursed for medical reasons. Inquire about the possibilities with your health insurer.

Upper eyelid correction | Extensive 1000
Ooglift | incl. 1 zone btx 1100

We are SkinSurgery Clinics

Specialist in medical eyelid surgery

Het kan als vervelend worden ervaren indien uw oogleden er vermoeid uitzien, terwijl u zich eigenlijk energiek voelt. Naast esthetische redenen wordt een ooglift ook vaak vanuit medisch oogpunt overwogen. Middels het natuurlijke verouderingsproces kunnen wij allen te maken krijgen met klachten. Veel voorkomende klachten zoals hoofdpijn, drooping eyelids en/of droge ogen kunnen door een ooglift worden verminderd.

Een ooglift is een relatief kleine cosmetische ingreep die u middels plaatselijke verdoving ondergaat maar die een significante impact heeft: u kunt de wereld weer met een open en heldere blik bekijken én u bent van uw klachten af. Stelt u zich eens voor hoe prettig het zou zijn als uw hoofdpijnklachten afnemen, uw zicht verbreedt en uw omgeving opmerkt hoe fris en uitgerust u eruitziet! Dit alles is mogelijk met een ooglift.

Medical eye lift

Medical eye lift reviews

Bent u benieuwd naar de voor- en na foto’s van onze bovenooglidcorrecties? Een medische ooglift zal u een frissere blik, het gezicht lijkt opener en de ogen zien er sprekender uit. Het effect van een bovenooglidcorrectie verschilt per persoon en persoonlijke esthetiek. Neem een kijkje en laat u overtuigen.

Daarnaast biedt SkinSurgery Clinics de beste service en begeleiding tijdens het gehele proces rondom onze bovenooglidcorrectie. Vanaf het moment dat u de kliniek binnenkomt tot de laatste controle. Daarom delen we graag de reviews van cliënten die een medische ooglift ondergaan zijn bij SkinSurgery Clinics. De reviews kunt u vinden op Kliniekervaringen.

Mandy - Eyelid surgery

Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart

Excellent service

I was 1000% pleased with the treatment. I was very well talked through everything and put at ease. I can't say anything about the end result yet, because I'm still wearing patches.

Addie - Eyelid surgery

Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart


Anaesthetic unpleasant but everything painless afterwards. Fine and friendly guidance. Quiet environment with pleasant staff.

Marianne - Eyelid surgery

Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart

Very pleasant experience

The intake was very pleasant, time was taken and clear explanations given. The correction was done in a pleasant atmosphere and I am very happy with the result. Aftercare is also done carefully and with attention. I benefited a lot from the app. All my questions were answered there and I was given good instructions.


The specialist in a Medical eye lift

Een ooglift bij SkinSurgery Clinics is een kleine cosmetische ingreep, die plaatsvindt onder local anaesthetic, maar met een grote impact: het opent letterlijk en figuurlijk uw blik op de wereld en verlost u van ongemakken. Aan de hand van uw indicatie, die vastgesteld is door onze specialist/ cosmetisch arts wordt er een op maat gemaakt behandelplan opgesteld. SkinSurgery Clinics biedt de juiste zorg, zodat u na een kort herstelproces, kunt genieten van uw stralende ogen!

Brighting Your Eyes (ooglift i.c.m. Btx)

Hangende oogleden kunnen vervelend zijn. Ze kunnen u er vermoeid uit laten zien, ook als u voldoende slaap of rust heeft gehad. Maar naast esthetische redenen, kunnen klachten ook medisch worden.

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The surgical technique

Naast overtollige huid is er in sommige gevallen ook overtollig spier- en vetweefsel aanwezig. Tijdens een vrijblijvend adviesgesprek geven onze specialisten persoonlijk advies.

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Your care path in one app!

Step into the world of personalised support and care with the innovative SkinSurgery Clinics app. In collaboration with Caro Health, SkinSurgery Clinics has developed a platform to continue providing the professional support you have come to expect from us, but in one secure environment.

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SkinSurgery Clinics is easily accessible from various locations in the Netherlands

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eyelid correction the hague

A fresh look and symptom-free with a medical eye lift

It is often annoying when your eyelids look tired, when you actually feel energetic. Besides aesthetic reasons, eyelid surgery is also often considered from a medical point of view. Common complaints such as headaches, heavy eyelids and/or dry eyes can be remedied by a medical eye.

At SkinSurgery Clinics, our doctors specialise in medical upper eyelid surgery. Our team will guide you through the entire process, from consultation to treatment and aftercare. Our specially developed aftercare protocol ensures that you can recover quickly after the procedure, with minimal swelling and bruising.

Medical eye lift

Frequently asked questions

Heeft u een vraag die niet wordt beantwoord? Neem gerust contact met ons op van maandag tot en met zondag, tussen 08:00 en 22:00 uur, op het volgende nummer of email

Aftercare after eyelid surgery

Due to our many years of experience in performing eyelid corrections, we work with a special pre- and aftercare protocol. This way, you are optimally prepared and recover without complications.

You may experience some pain after the local anesthesia wears off. Usually, pain relief with paracetamol is sufficient for this. Furthermore, you may not drive a car on the day of surgery.
Furthermore, we recommend not driving a car while your vision is obstructed.

  • Do not use contact lenses for 2 weeks.
  • You can use make-up again after removing the stitches, when all the scabs have disappeared.
  • We advise you not to smoke until the sutures are removed. Smoking increases the risk of complications.
  • We advise you not to expose the scars to UV sunlight and/or the sunbed for 3 months after surgery.

When can I wear lenses or make-up again?

We recommend not wearing lenses or make-up for at least 2 weeks after your eyelid surgery. It is important to leave the treated area alone as much as possible so that it can recover properly and you can enjoy a radiant look faster. A week after your eyelid correction, you will come for a check-up and the stitches will be removed for our specialist.

Who is eyelid surgery suitable for?

Undergoing eyelid surgery can be an exciting step, have you been thinking about it for some time but unsure when it is the right time? If you look in the mirror and see a gloomy or tired face around the eyes, even when you are well rested, you may have already considered doing something about it. Eyelid surgery can help with this. Overhanging eyelids can also cause symptoms, such as limited vision and headaches due to extra exertion of the eye muscles. To determine whether you qualify for an upper eyelid correction and/or lower eyelid correction, or a combined procedure, a no-obligation consultation with our specialists is the best first step.

Cost of eyelid surgery

SkinSurgery Clinics is transparent and fair in its prices. We find quality important, and therefore only work with experienced cosmetic doctors. Because everyone is unique, what can be corrected to the eyelids can vary from person to person. Sometimes it is only necessary to remove the skin, fat pockets- or muscle tissue. In our clinic, we consider two things important in this: long-term and natural results.

In some cases, the cost of an upper eyelid correction is covered by health insurance in the Netherlands, but this depends on the medical necessity of the procedure. In general, an upper eyelid correction is reimbursed only if there is a functional problem, such as a severely limited field of vision due to drooping eyelids (ptosis). In such cases, the procedure may be considered medically necessary. Whether the cost of an upper eyelid correction will be reimbursed also depends on your insurance. Research whether you have supplemental insurance to be sure of reimbursement.

Upper eyelid surgery bilateral - skin resection

If there is only excess skin, eyelid surgery with skin resection will suffice. The underlying muscle tissue or fat pockets will not be corrected in this case.

Upper eyelid surgery both sides - skin resection and adjusting muscle

Often, in addition to excess skin, there is also sagging of the orbicularis oculi: the muscle used to close and open the eyelids. By removing a small strip, the result becomes more natural than if we were to remove only skin while there are fat pockets and sagging muscle.

Upper eyelid surgery both sides - skin resection, muscle and fat pockets removed

With somewhat thick eyelids, or puffy eyes, it is often necessary to remove some fat in addition to skin and muscle. This fat “pushes” against the septum, muscle and skin, so to speak, and therefore partially causes the droopy eyelids. Therefore, in order to guarantee long-term results, it is necessary to remove the fat as well in this indication.

When can I wear lenses and make-up again?

We recommend not wearing lenses or make-up for at least 2 weeks after your eyelid surgery. It is important to leave the treated area alone as much as possible so that it can recover properly and you can enjoy a radiant look faster. A week after your eyelid correction, you will come for a check-up and the stitches will be removed for our specialist.

What else can you do to combat swelling after eyelid surgery?

To minimise swelling after eyelid surgery, it is important to cool down properly. In addition, you can consider lymphatic drainage to help drain the wound fluid that develops after eyelid surgery during the healing process.

In preparation for your eyelid surgery, if you maximally activate the lymphatic system and completely empty the lymphatic sponge, this system can absorb and drain the subcutaneous fluid, which can cause much less swelling.

How long does recovery take after eyelid surgery

Due to our years of experience in performing eyelid corrections, we work with a special pre- and aftercare protocol. This way, you are optimally prepared and recover without complications.

Usually, pain relief with paracetamol is sufficient after surgery. We advise you not to drive a car on the day of surgery and as long as your vision is impaired. After a week, you will visit us for a check-up to remove the stitches.

You should not use contact lenses or make-up for 2 weeks. We advise you not to smoke for 2 weeks after the procedure. Smoking increases the risk of complications. We advise you not to expose the scars to UV sunlight and/or the sunbed for 3 months after surgery.

What is the difference in price of upper eyelid surgery?

What is the difference in price of upper eyelid surgery?
Skin + Surgery Clinics is transparent and fair in its pricing. We value quality, which is why we only work with experienced cosmetic doctors. Because everyone is unique, what can be corrected to the eyelids can vary from person to person. Sometimes only excess skin needs to be removed, sometimes excess fat or muscle tissue is also involved. At our clinic, we consider two things important in this: long-term and natural results.

Upper eyelid surgery bilateral - skin resection

If there is only excess skin, eyelid surgery with skin resection will suffice. The underlying muscle tissue or fat pockets will not be corrected in this case.

Upper eyelid surgery both sides - skin resection and adjusting muscle

Often, in addition to excess skin, there is also sagging of the orbicularis oculi: the muscle used to close and open the eyelids. By removing a small strip, the result becomes more natural than if we only removed skin while there is excess and sagging muscle.

Upper eyelid surgery both sides - skin resection, muscle and fat pockets removed

With somewhat thick eyelids, or puffy eyes, it is often necessary to remove some fat in addition to excess skin and muscle. This fat 'pushes' against the septum, muscle and skin, so to speak, and therefore partially causes the droopy eyelids. Therefore, to ensure long-term results, it is necessary to remove the fat as well in this indication.

How does medical eye lift treatment work?

Performing an eyelid correction requires skilled work. There are different types of eyelid surgery, all with different intended results. To determine your eligibility for the procedure and which technique best suits your desired result, a preliminary examination is needed. During the preliminary examination, there is room to ask all your questions. Photos are also taken for the medical record. With the preliminary examination, we make sure you get a realistic expectation of the intended results.

What exactly is eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery involves the removal of skin and fat from the upper and/or lower eyelids. When eyelid surgery is performed from a cosmetic point of view, it can achieve a fresher and more rested look. Eyelid surgery can also be performed from a medical standpoint when the overhanging eyelids are causing symptoms. In both cases, the procedure is the same and skin is surgically removed.

Post-treatments and check-ups after eyelid surgery

7-9 days after your eyelid surgery, the stitches and plasters will be removed during your check-up appointment. 6-8 weeks after surgery, you will come for a check-up with one of our specialists.

What is the difference in price of upper eyelid surgery

SkinSurgery Clinics is transparent and fair in its prices. We find quality important, and therefore only work with experienced cosmetic doctors. Because everyone is unique, what can be corrected to the eyelids can vary from person to person. Sometimes it is only necessary to remove the skin, sometimes excess fat or muscle tissue is also involved. In our clinic, we consider two things important in this: long-term and natural results.


Upper eyelid surgery bilateral - skin resection

If there is only excess skin, eyelid surgery with skin resection will suffice. The underlying muscle tissue or fat pockets will not be corrected in this case.


Upper eyelid surgery both sides - skin resection and adjusting muscle

Often, in addition to excess skin, there is also sagging of the orbicularis oculi: the muscle used in closing and opening the eyelids. By removing a small strip, the result becomes more natural than if we were to remove only skin while there is excess and sagging muscle.


Upper eyelid surgery both sides - skin resection, muscle and fat pockets removed

With somewhat thick eyelids, or puffy eyes, it is often necessary to remove some fat in addition to skin and muscle. This fat “pushes” against the septum, muscle and skin, so to speak, and therefore partially causes the droopy eyelids. Therefore, in order to guarantee long-term results, it is necessary to remove the fat as well in this indication.

How does eyelid surgery work?

Performing an eyelid correction demands skilled expertise. Various types of eyelid surgery exist, each yielding different outcomes. To assess your suitability for the procedure and identify the most suitable technique for your desired outcome, a preliminary examination is essential. During this assessment, ample opportunity is provided to address any queries or concerns you may have. Additionally, photographs are taken for inclusion in your medical records. Through this preliminary examination, we aim to ensure that you maintain realistic expectations regarding the anticipated results.


Dr. Kristel Woltman is not only a cosmetic surgeon but also a general surgeon. Her passion extends beyond enhancing beauty; she is equally dedicated to improving overall well-being. Many of her treatments are medically motivated. Known for her meticulous approach and unwavering commitment, Dr. Kristel prioritizes natural-looking results. She believes in preserving individuality, stating, "I value uniqueness and shy away from artificiality.''

Dr Kristel Woltman

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician
Drs. Leanne

Drs Wong is a true all-rounder within Skin+Surgery Clinics. She is a perfectionist and always strives to achieve the most beautiful result. "I gained my experience in general surgery and surgery. During my cosmetic medicine training, things kept coming up, allowing me to broaden my horizons. Within Skin+Surgery, I have specialised in injectables and surgical treatments."

Drs. Leanne Wong

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician

Drs Beekman is a passionate and skilled cosmetic doctor at SkinSurgery. She works very precisely and always strives for the most natural result. The cosmetic aspect of medicine has always interested her because of the fine dexterity and precise way of working. Drs Vivian Beekman likes to highlight all facets of cosmetic medicine. "Within Skin+Surgery, these facets come together nicely, which has allowed me to specialise in injectables and surgical treatments such as eyelid correction."

Drs Vivian Beekman

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician
Dr Thanya Tha-in SkinSurgery Clinics

Doctor Thanya Tha-In is one of the founders of SkinSurgery Clinics and studied medicine at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Thanya looks beyond the area to be treated and is genuinely interested in you as a person. With care and attention, she explains your options and is realistic in the expected result. This applies to treatment with injectables, but equally to surgery.

Dr Thanya Tha-In

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician & Surgeon

Drs Suzanne van Soest is a highly skilled and passionate cosmetic doctor with an undeniable dedication and passion for beauty. With her extensive knowledge and experience in aesthetic medicine, she has built a reputation as a reliable and experienced specialist in her field.

Drs Suzanne van Soest

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician

Free eyelid scan

Are you interested in a boven- of onderooglidcorrectie maar twijfelt u of u de juiste indicatie heeft? Onze cosmetisch artsen/chirurgen geven eerlijk en persoonlijk advies aan de hand van uw aangeleverde foto’s. Na het online advies nodigen wij u graag uit voor een vrijblijvend en free consultation aangepast op uw wensen.

eyelid scan skin-surgery