Upper eyelid surgery recovery

Do you suffer from drooping eyelids? An upper eyelid correction at SkinSurgery Clinics can help you get rid of this! Read everything about upper eyelid correction recovery on this page.

upper eyelid surgery Skin Surgery

Consultation with doctor


Consultation with doctor

An eyelid correction treatment is always preceded by a non-binding consultation consultation with one of our qualified and experienced doctors. You can easily make an appointment for a free consultation via our website. During the personal consultation with our cosmetic doctors/surgeons, you can indicate what bothers you, what eye complaints you have and what you would like to see improved. The consultation takes place in a relaxed setting, so that you feel completely at ease. You will have a conversation with one of our experienced specialists.

During the free consultation krijgt u de ruimte om al uw vragen te stellen over de behandeling, de voor- en nazorg, de risico’s en de kosten. U krijgt deskundig en eerlijk antwoord. Er wordt onderzocht of u in aanmerking komt voor een ooglidcorrectie. U krijgt duidelijke uitleg over het gehele behandeltraject en het te verwachten realistische resultaat. Tijdens dit eerste consult worden foto’s gemaakt van vóór de behandeling. Deze worden in een later stadium naast de foto’s gelegd ná de operatieve ingreep. U ziet zo het positieve effect van de ooglidcorrectie behandeling.





Eyelid correction treatment requires no admission in onze kliniek. Het is een poliklinische behandeling en betrekkelijk eenvoudige ingreep die onder plaatselijke verdoving plaatsvindt. Als u heel zenuwachtig bent, kan kalmerende medicatie worden voorgeschreven, dit krijgt u bij ons in de kliniek. Onze cliënten mogen na de ingreep en na een korte rusttijd weer naar huis. Een bovenooglidcorrectie wordt uitgevoerd bij hangende oogleden. Het behandelgebied wordt eerst afgetekend. Na een minieme incisie wordt het teveel aan huid-, spier-, en vetweefsel gecorrigeerd. Het litteken van de hechting valt precies in de natuurlijke huidplooi. Deze is later vrijwel niet zichtbaar.

A lower eyelid correction is performed if you suffer from bags and/or excess skin under your eyes. Our cosmetic surgeon makes a small incision just below the eyelash line, after which the excess skin and fat tissue under the eyes is corrected. The skin is then lifted and sutured. The scar under your eyelashes is not or barely visible. An eyelid correction is a painless treatment that takes approximately 1 hour. You are not allowed to drive after the treatment because of the swelling around the eyes and the resulting reduced vision. An eyelid correction has a long-lasting result. With good skin care and a healthy lifestyle, you will enjoy the treatment for an average of 10 years.





You are assured at SkinSurgery Clinics of excellent aftercare. We act according to a tailor-made aftercare protocol to minimize the risks and chance of complications. The swelling and redness after eyelid correction treatment can be effectively controlled with an ice pack and/or peas. You place a gauze pad between your eyes and the ice pack/peas. It helps to sleep with an extra pillow for the first few days so that your head is higher, which means you are less swollen. Paracetamol can be taken for mild pain. It is permitted to rinse your eyes with a gentle jet of water 24 hours after the procedure. Then gently pat it dry, without rubbing.

Avoid heavy physical exertion, lifting, bending, pressing for the first two weeks. You should not cut the ends of the sutures yourself. This happens after 7 to 9 days in our clinic. We strongly advise you not to smoke if the stitches are still in place. Otherwise, your blood vessels will narrow and you are at increased risk of complications. You can use make-up again after the stitches have been removed and all scabs are gone, approximately after two weeks. Do not expose the scars to sunlight or sunbed radiation for the first three months. Please note that the scar will take 6-12 months to fully heal. You will have a check-up with our specialist up to 6 weeks after the treatment.





Eyelid surgery treatment is not associated with any major risks or complications. This short-term and relatively minor surgery can cause some swelling, redness and bruising around the eyes. These symptoms disappear after a few days to 2 weeks after the procedure. In isolated cases, bleeding, eye inflammation, insensitivity of the eyelid margin, uneven eyelids, cysts or scarring may occur. If in doubt, contact the specialists at SkinSurgery Clinics. Our team of specialists are ready to assist you.

Accessibility upper eyelid surgery

SkinSurgery Clinics is easily accessible from various places in the Netherlands. SkinSurgery Clinics has clinics in The Hague and Bergschenhoek near Rotterdam. You are absolutely not allowed to drive home alone after an upper eyelid correction, so make sure someone comes with you to wait for you, or you can be picked up.

Onze klinieken in Bergschenhoek en Den Haag zijn goed te bereiken met de auto en met het openbaar vervoer. De auto is logischerwijze iets sneller. U kunt hier uw reis plannen naar onze kliniek in Bergschenhoek in Rotterdam met behulp van Google Maps. Plan hier uw reis als u onze kliniek in Den Haag wilt bezoeken.

Upper eyelid surgery recovery

Upper eyelid surgery recovery results & reviews

A photo taken immediately after an upper eyelid correction looks very different from an upper eyelid correction photo. Once the swelling has subsided, you will notice an immediate change in appearance. Your gaze becomes more open and your eyes look more expressive. The effect of an upper eyelid correction differs per person and personal aesthetics. Our clients share their experiences at SkinSurgery Clinics and their upper eyelid recovery stories on Clinic Experiences. Read their stories and be convinced.

Marianne - Eyelid surgery

Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart

Very pleasant experience

The intake was very pleasant, time was taken and clear explanations given. The correction was done in a pleasant atmosphere and I am very happy with the result. Aftercare is also done carefully and with attention. I benefited a lot from the app. All my questions were answered there and I was given good instructions.


Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart

A nice and familiar feeling

She gave me the familiar feeling I had not had before this. The calmness she exudes, the time she takes for you and her honesty.

Addie - Eyelid surgery

Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart


Anaesthetic unpleasant but everything painless afterwards. Fine and friendly guidance. Quiet environment with pleasant staff.

Mandy - Eyelid surgery

Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart

Excellent service

I was 1000% pleased with the treatment. I was very well talked through everything and put at ease. I can't say anything about the end result yet, because I'm still wearing patches.

Anonymous - Peeling

Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart

Zeker een aanrader

Peeling gehad, super geholpen met de behandeling. Vond het wel een beetje eng maar het resultaat is super mooi. Ik krijg veel complimenten over mijn mooie huid zonder pigment vlekken. Zeer goede nazorg ook. Zeker een aanrader.

Anonymous - Pubic lip surgery

Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart


The doctor and assistant are super sweet, put you at ease and also very knowledgeable. The app of skin+surgery is also very nice to keep track of the recovery and you can always contact them with questions

Upper eyelid surgery

Quality is our passion

Mon. to Sun. from 08:00 to 22:00


Upper eyelid surgery

Upper eyelid surgery recovery – The recovery from an upper eyelid correction is a relatively minor procedure. The duration of recovery varies per person. Please note that after an upper eyelid correction, most swelling and discoloration will disappear after 1 to 2 weeks. The final result is achieved after approximately 6 months.

Een goed bovenooglidcorrectie herstel begint bij de juiste voorbereiding. Zo adviseren we dringend te stoppen met roken voor de behandeling. Bij het gebruik van aspirine of bloedverdunners adviseren we dit te overleggen met onze arts voor passend advies. De volgende punten zijn belangrijk na te leven na ingreep, om het herstel zo voorspoedig mogelijk te laten verlopen.

  • Immediately after eyelid correction, start cooling the eyelids to prevent swelling and redness. Cool the wound every hour for fifteen minutes with a cool pack or peas. You hold a gauze pad between your eyes and the cool pack or peas.
  • You may shower 24 hours after the procedure and rinse your eyes with a gentle stream. Gently pat the treatment area dry with a towel, without rubbing.
  • Sleep with an extra pillow for the first few days, so that your head is higher than your body. This helps reduce swelling.
  • Upper eyelid correction recovery. For mild pain complaints, paracetamol is sufficient.
  • Do not undertake any vigorous physical exertion in the first few weeks, such as heavy physical labor, lifting, bending or intensive exercise.
  • The stitches are removed after 7 to 9 days. It is strictly not recommended to smoke until then.
  • After 2-3 weeks, the wounds are completely closed and the scabs disappear. You may apply make-up and wear contact lenses again.
  • You will visit the doctor for a check-up 6-8 weeks after the eyelid correction.
  • Keep your treated eyelids out of direct sunlight for the first 3 months and do not use a sunbed or go to the sauna. Protect the scar with SPF50.

If these advices are followed, a good upper eyelid correction recovery is a logical consequence! SkinSurgery Clinics performs upper and lower eyelid corrections as well as double eyelid corrections (also known as Asian eyelid corrections). Read more here about the different types of eyelid corrections we offer and schedule a no-obligation consultation with us to discuss the options.

Preparing for an upper eyelid correction

Good preparation is important for a successful upper eyelid correction. This starts with a no-obligation consultation at SkinSurgery Clinics, where you can ask all questions in a relaxed setting. Our experienced doctors take the time to discuss your wishes and concerns and give you a clear and realistic picture of what you can expect from the procedure and recovery from upper eyelid correction. During this consultation, your indication for the procedure will be assessed and you will receive expert advice about the treatment process and the upper eyelid correction recovery procedure.

Taking photos before the treatment will help you compare the results later. For optimal preparation, we advise you to stop smoking and avoid certain medications. These steps contribute to a safer procedure and a faster recovery from upper eyelid correction. The preparation gives you the necessary information, but also the confidence that you are on the right path to a radiant and fresher appearance. You are on your way to a more beautiful self!

The treatment and recovery upper eyelid correction

The treatment of an upper eyelid correction at SkinSurgery Clinics is a relatively small and efficient procedure that you undergo in an outpatient setting. Under local anesthesia you will hardly feel any pain and you will be back on your feet quickly. The procedure takes approximately one hour, during which our expert doctor/surgeon removes excess skin, muscle and fat tissue. The incision is carefully made in the natural fold of the skin, making scars virtually invisible. This means that you can start your recovery with peace of mind.

After the procedure you will receive sufficient rest and you can go home for a speedy recovery of upper eyelid correction. Our doctors are ready to personally guide you and answer your questions. You will soon notice the first signs of improvement. This treatment is a great way to refresh your appearance and can have a hugely positive effect on your self-confidence.

Aftercare and upper eyelid correction recovery

Aftercare is an important part of the upper eyelid correction recovery process. At SkinSurgery Clinics we ensure that you receive the best aftercare to minimize complications and speed up your recovery. You will receive clear instructions on how to deal with swelling and redness in the first few days. Using a cool pack/peas and elevating your head while sleeping are effective ways to reduce discomfort.

We also recommend treating mild pain with paracetamol and avoiding physical exertion. We will also follow up with you with check-ups up to eight weeks after the procedure to ensure that everything is going well. The result is a refreshed appearance, but also the peace of mind that you are in good hands. By following the correct aftercare and process for upper eyelid correction recovery, you are assured of a beautiful end result that you can enjoy for years to come! Start your free online pre-analysis eyelid correction now and receive personal advice from our specialists within 4 working days!

Upper eyelid repair, what you need to know

Upper eyelid surgery is a common cosmetic procedure that helps improve the appearance of your eyes by removing drooping eyelids. The recovery process is an important phase, and it is essential to be well prepared for what to expect after the procedure. We would be happy to discuss with you the upper eyelid correction recovery process after an upper eyelid correction, how long the recovery takes, what you can expect after the procedure and the tips to promote your recovery.

What to expect after your procedure

After upper eyelid correction, you will remain in the recovery room as part of upper eyelid correction recovery to ensure that you are stable. It is normal to experience some temporary side effects during upper blepharoplasty recovery, such as:

-Sensitivity to light
-Blurred vision
-Teary eyes
-Gezwollen oogleden
-Double vision
-Mild pain or discomfort
-Swelling and/or bruising

It is important that someone picks you up after the procedure. It is also recommended that this person stays with you the first night to support you. This way you can ensure a faster recovery of upper eyelid correction.

Upper eyelid correction recovery and duration

Upper eyelid recovery can be divided into three phases: bruising, swelling, and the incision/scar process. The bruises usually disappear first and last about 1 to 2 weeks. The swelling may vary and may last up to 8 weeks or more, gradually decreasing. It is possible to return to work or leave the house after 7 to 10 days, depending on how you feel.

Please note that there may be scarring from the incisions after the procedure. The scar will take 6-12 months to heal completely. By following our specially developed aftercare protocol, you can ensure that your skin heals properly during this period.

Tips for upper eyelid correction recovery

It is important to take the first week off from work, school or daily activities. You need this time to heal properly. If necessary, ask someone to take over your responsibilities, such as dropping off and picking up children or handling work obligations. Make sure your refrigerator and pantry are stocked with easy post-surgery meals. This way you make it as comfortable as possible.

To aid upper blepharoplasty recovery, your doctor will make recommendations such as:

Gebruik maken van ice packs/ doperwten op uw ogen gedurende de eerste 3 dagen.
Uw oogleden voorzichtig schoonmaken.
De voorgeschreven Arnica oogdruppels.
Vermijden om in uw ogen te wrijven.
Geen contactlenzen dragen gedurende de eerste twee weken na de ingreep.
De eerste paar dagen met uw hoofd hoger dan uw hart slapen.
Roken vermijden.
You will return to our specialist for a check-up after a week to have your stitches removed. This is also part of upper eyelid correction recovery. Your check-up appointment has already been scheduled so that you can go home with peace of mind after the procedure. Upper eyelid correction recovery is relatively short, but it is important that you follow the steps carefully.

It is also important to have realistic expectations about recovery from upper eyelid surgery. Your eyelids may be swollen and red at first, and it is normal to see swelling and bruising. Stay patient and keep your goal in mind; no more complaints and the wonderful results you are looking forward to.

Protect your eyes and avoid exertion and stress

During upper eyelid correction recovery, it is important to protect your eyes from wind, sunlight and other external factors. If necessary, wear a hat and dark sunglasses if you have to go outside. Remember to use sunscreen and follow other upper blepharoplasty recovery instructions given to you.

Avoid straining your eyes during upper eyelid correction recovery. Try to minimize reading, watching TV, or checking email in the week after the procedure. Or schedule breaks to give your eyes a chance to rest.

Sleep well and avoid intense activities

Get enough sleep so your body has a chance to heal. If you are tired, take a moment to rest and close your eyes. Instead, focus on your recovery. Avoid intense activities or stress in the first weeks after your procedure. Too much activity can increase blood flow to your eyes and cause bleeding. Consider activities such as lifting heavy objects, aerobics, intense exercise and sports.

An upper eyelid correction can be a transformative procedure, but the upper eyelid recovery is an extremely important part of the process and should certainly not be underestimated. By being well prepared and following the correct aftercare instructions, you can expect a smooth upper eyelid correction recovery and a beautiful end result. Take your time to recover, be patient and trust our certified specialists to guide you through the process. With the right care, you can enjoy a fresh, youthful appearance!

Some people recover faster than others

Het bovenooglidcorrectie herstel verloopt in verschillende fasen, maar het is belangrijk om te weten dat elke cliënt uniek is en het herstel op verschillende manieren kan ervaren. Sommige mensen kunnen sneller herstellen dan anderen, afhankelijk van hun gezondheid, levensstijl en hoe goed ze de nazorg instructies opvolgen. Het is normaal dat er enige variatie is in het herstel bovenooglidcorrectie proces, en het is belangrijk om uw verwachtingen daarop af te stemmen.

In addition to the physical changes, there may also be emotional effects during upper eyelid correction recovery. It is very common to feel self-conscious about your appearance in the first few days after surgery, especially if you have swelling or bruising. These temporary changes can affect your self-image and self-confidence. It's good to be patient and give yourself time to get used to your new look. If necessary, talk to friends or family about your feelings, as support from loved ones can help enormously.

Activities and limitations during upper eyelid correction recovery

During upper blepharoplasty recovery, it is important to pay attention to specific activities to avoid. This includes intensive physical activities, but also everyday actions such as bending, lifting or even bowing your head. These restrictions are not random, it is important to avoid extra pressure on the eyes, which can cause complications and delay the healing process.

Follow your doctor's upper eyelid correction recovery instructions carefully and make sure you get enough rest so that your body has time to recover optimally. By taking good care of yourself, you contribute to a successful upper eyelid correction recovery and a radiant end result.

Hoe lang duurt het herstel bovenooglidcorrectie?

Most clients can return to their daily activities within 7 to 10 days after the procedure, depending on how you feel. Total recovery may take several weeks, with final results only visible after about six months. During this time, it is important to protect your eyes and avoid activities that can put pressure on the eyes.

After an upper eyelid correction, you will probably experience swelling and bruising around the eyes. This is a completely normal part of upper blepharoplasty recovery and most clients experience these symptoms. The largest swellings and discolorations are usually visible within the first two weeks after the procedure. During this time, it is important to take good care of yourself and follow the recommendations of your cosmetic doctor/surgeon.

Treatment close to home?

At SkinSurgery Clinics we understand that it is important for many people to be treated close to home. That is why we have two easily accessible clinics in the Netherlands: one in The Hague and one in Bergschenhoek, close to Rotterdam. This makes it easy for you to make an appointment without having to travel far. This also makes upper eyelid correction recovery a lot easier.

Our clinics are easily accessible by public transport and there is ample parking nearby. This way you can come to your appointment relaxed without stressing about the journey. By choosing a local clinic, you can return more quickly for check-ups or any follow-up appointments.

Personal attention and care

At SkinSurgery Clinics, personal attention is paramount during upper eyelid correction recovery. You start with a no-obligation consultation, in which our specialists will answer all your questions and guide you in making a well-considered choice. During this consultation you will be informed about the procedure, recovery, and what to expect.

The experience of previous clients speaks volumes. Many describe the intake as pleasant, with sufficient time and clear explanations. This is important, because a well-informed client often has more confidence in the treatment and recovery process.

The interventions and their effects

An eyelid correction is intended to correct excess skin, muscle and fatty tissue that has accumulated around the eyes. This provides a fresh and youthful appearance. Clients often report feeling more energetic and confident after the procedure. The impact of such a procedure on your self-image can be significant, making you enjoy looking in the mirror again.

At SkinSurgery Clinics, treatments are performed by certified cosmetic physicians/surgeons who are committed to providing the highest quality care. Our clinics are equipped with the latest technologies and facilities, contributing to a safe and comfortable experience. You can rest assured that you are in good hands with our team of professionals for upper eyelid correction recovery.

A positive change in your life

Upper eyelid surgery can make a positive change in your life, and at SkinSurgery Clinics we are ready to support you every step of the way. Do you have questions about the procedure, upper eyelid correction repair, or making an appointment? Or are you curious about before and after photos? Our team is here to help you. Make an appointment today for a no-obligation consultation, learn more about upper eyelid correction recovery and discover what we can do for you. A fresh and youthful appearance with clear recovery of upper eyelid correction starts at SkinSurgery Clinics.

Upper eyelid surgery recovery

Frequently asked questions

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Then contact us now

Mon to Sun 08:00 to 22:00

Aftercare after eyelid surgery

Due to our many years of experience in performing eyelid corrections, we work with a special pre- and aftercare protocol. This way, you are optimally prepared and recover without complications.

You may experience some pain after the local anesthesia wears off. Usually, pain relief with paracetamol is sufficient for this. Furthermore, you may not drive a car on the day of surgery.
Furthermore, we recommend not driving a car while your vision is obstructed.

  • Do not use contact lenses for 2 weeks.
  • You can use make-up again after removing the stitches, when all the scabs have disappeared.
  • We advise you not to smoke until the sutures are removed. Smoking increases the risk of complications.
  • We advise you not to expose the scars to UV sunlight and/or the sunbed for 3 months after surgery.

When can I wear lenses or make-up again?

We recommend not wearing lenses or make-up for at least 2 weeks after your eyelid surgery. It is important to leave the treated area alone as much as possible so that it can recover properly and you can enjoy a radiant look faster. A week after your eyelid correction, you will come for a check-up and the stitches will be removed for our specialist.

Who is eyelid surgery suitable for?

Undergoing eyelid surgery can be an exciting step, have you been thinking about it for some time but unsure when it is the right time? If you look in the mirror and see a gloomy or tired face around the eyes, even when you are well rested, you may have already considered doing something about it. Eyelid surgery can help with this. Overhanging eyelids can also cause symptoms, such as limited vision and headaches due to extra exertion of the eye muscles. To determine whether you qualify for an upper eyelid correction and/or lower eyelid correction, or a combined procedure, a no-obligation consultation with our specialists is the best first step.

Cost of eyelid surgery

SkinSurgery Clinics is transparent and fair in its prices. We find quality important, and therefore only work with experienced cosmetic doctors. Because everyone is unique, what can be corrected to the eyelids can vary from person to person. Sometimes it is only necessary to remove the skin, fat pockets- or muscle tissue. In our clinic, we consider two things important in this: long-term and natural results.

In some cases, the cost of an upper eyelid correction is covered by health insurance in the Netherlands, but this depends on the medical necessity of the procedure. In general, an upper eyelid correction is reimbursed only if there is a functional problem, such as a severely limited field of vision due to drooping eyelids (ptosis). In such cases, the procedure may be considered medically necessary. Whether the cost of an upper eyelid correction will be reimbursed also depends on your insurance. Research whether you have supplemental insurance to be sure of reimbursement.

Upper eyelid surgery bilateral - skin resection

If there is only excess skin, eyelid surgery with skin resection will suffice. The underlying muscle tissue or fat pockets will not be corrected in this case.

Upper eyelid surgery both sides - skin resection and adjusting muscle

Often, in addition to excess skin, there is also sagging of the orbicularis oculi: the muscle used to close and open the eyelids. By removing a small strip, the result becomes more natural than if we were to remove only skin while there are fat pockets and sagging muscle.

Upper eyelid surgery both sides - skin resection, muscle and fat pockets removed

With somewhat thick eyelids, or puffy eyes, it is often necessary to remove some fat in addition to skin and muscle. This fat “pushes” against the septum, muscle and skin, so to speak, and therefore partially causes the droopy eyelids. Therefore, in order to guarantee long-term results, it is necessary to remove the fat as well in this indication.

When can I wear lenses and make-up again?

We recommend not wearing lenses or make-up for at least 2 weeks after your eyelid surgery. It is important to leave the treated area alone as much as possible so that it can recover properly and you can enjoy a radiant look faster. A week after your eyelid correction, you will come for a check-up and the stitches will be removed for our specialist.

How long does recovery take after eyelid surgery

Due to our years of experience in performing eyelid corrections, we work with a special pre- and aftercare protocol. This way, you are optimally prepared and recover without complications.

Usually, pain relief with paracetamol is sufficient after surgery. We advise you not to drive a car on the day of surgery and as long as your vision is impaired. After a week, you will visit us for a check-up to remove the stitches.

You should not use contact lenses or make-up for 2 weeks. We advise you not to smoke for 2 weeks after the procedure. Smoking increases the risk of complications. We advise you not to expose the scars to UV sunlight and/or the sunbed for 3 months after surgery.

What exactly is eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery involves the removal of skin and fat from the upper and/or lower eyelids. When eyelid surgery is performed from a cosmetic point of view, it can achieve a fresher and more rested look. Eyelid surgery can also be performed from a medical standpoint when the overhanging eyelids are causing symptoms. In both cases, the procedure is the same and skin is surgically removed.

Post-treatments and check-ups after eyelid surgery

7-9 days after your eyelid surgery, the stitches and plasters will be removed during your check-up appointment. 6-8 weeks after surgery, you will come for a check-up with one of our specialists.

What is the difference in price of upper eyelid surgery

SkinSurgery Clinics is transparent and fair in its prices. We find quality important, and therefore only work with experienced cosmetic doctors. Because everyone is unique, what can be corrected to the eyelids can vary from person to person. Sometimes it is only necessary to remove the skin, sometimes excess fat or muscle tissue is also involved. In our clinic, we consider two things important in this: long-term and natural results.


Upper eyelid surgery bilateral - skin resection

If there is only excess skin, eyelid surgery with skin resection will suffice. The underlying muscle tissue or fat pockets will not be corrected in this case.


Upper eyelid surgery both sides - skin resection and adjusting muscle

Often, in addition to excess skin, there is also sagging of the orbicularis oculi: the muscle used in closing and opening the eyelids. By removing a small strip, the result becomes more natural than if we were to remove only skin while there is excess and sagging muscle.


Upper eyelid surgery both sides - skin resection, muscle and fat pockets removed

With somewhat thick eyelids, or puffy eyes, it is often necessary to remove some fat in addition to skin and muscle. This fat “pushes” against the septum, muscle and skin, so to speak, and therefore partially causes the droopy eyelids. Therefore, in order to guarantee long-term results, it is necessary to remove the fat as well in this indication.

How does eyelid surgery work?

Performing an eyelid correction demands skilled expertise. Various types of eyelid surgery exist, each yielding different outcomes. To assess your suitability for the procedure and identify the most suitable technique for your desired outcome, a preliminary examination is essential. During this assessment, ample opportunity is provided to address any queries or concerns you may have. Additionally, photographs are taken for inclusion in your medical records. Through this preliminary examination, we aim to ensure that you maintain realistic expectations regarding the anticipated results.

Dr Thanya Tha-in SkinSurgery Clinics

Doctor Thanya Tha-In is one of the founders of SkinSurgery Clinics and studied medicine at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Thanya looks beyond the area to be treated and is genuinely interested in you as a person. With care and attention, she explains your options and is realistic in the expected result. This applies to treatment with injectables, but equally to surgery.

Dr Thanya Tha-In

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician & Surgeon
Drs Amra Sabanovic

Drs Amra Sabanovic is an all-round cosmetic doctor, in every treatment she can express her creativity to achieve the most beautiful and long-lasting results. The Liquid Facelift treatment and Labia correction are her favourite treatment which she performs frequently. At SkinSurgery clinics, she is the real expert. 'I personally find a full face treatment the most beautiful treatment to perform. It really gives a fresher and younger look, which you see good effects of for a longer period of time.' It is a nice step on giving the face a subtle lift where you see immediate results.

Drs Amra Sabanovic

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician

Drs Beekman is a passionate and skilled cosmetic doctor at SkinSurgery. She works very precisely and always strives for the most natural result. The cosmetic aspect of medicine has always interested her because of the fine dexterity and precise way of working. Drs Vivian Beekman likes to highlight all facets of cosmetic medicine. "Within Skin+Surgery, these facets come together nicely, which has allowed me to specialise in injectables and surgical treatments such as eyelid correction."

Drs Vivian Beekman

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician
Certified cosmetic doctor at SkinSurgery Clinics

Dr. Tessa Drijkoningen is a passionate and skilled cosmetic physician at Skin+Surgery. In addition to her extensive experience as a surgeon, she has also obtained a doctorate in surgery. Dr. Tessa always treats her clients holistically to maintain a beautiful and natural appearance.

Dr Tessa Drijkoningen

Cosmetic Doctor

Drs Suzanne van Soest is a highly skilled and passionate cosmetic doctor with an undeniable dedication and passion for beauty. With her extensive knowledge and experience in aesthetic medicine, she has built a reputation as a reliable and experienced specialist in her field.

Drs Suzanne van Soest

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician
Certified cosmetic doctor at SkinSurgery Clinics

Dr. Lara van de Lande is a perfectionistic and driven cosmetic physician at Skin+Surgery. In addition to her extensive experience as a surgeon, she has also obtained a doctorate through scientific research on congenital facial abnormalities and their treatments.

Dr Lara van de Lande

Cosmetic Doctor
Certified cosmetic doctor at SkinSurgery Clinics

Drs. Aletta de Wit is a true all-rounder within SkinSurgery Clinics. Drs Aletta de Wit is our specialist when it comes to wrinkle treatments and treatments aimed at restoring contours and volume loss in the face. She does this using injectables and PDO threads as well as skin-enhancing treatments with skin boosters and peels. Drs Aletta de Wit looks closely at your face, listens to your personal wishes and provides honest advice in what suitable options are available to subtly optimise the proportions of your face and bring it back into harmony for a fresh, youthful appearance.

Drs Aletta de Wit

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician
Huidspecialist bij SkinSurgery Clinics

Skin specialist Dominique Kortenoeven is a true skin improvement specialist within Skin+Surgery Clinics. "Helping people inside and out that's what is my favourite thing to do. I always try to build a special bond with my clients by listening carefully and giving expert advice, everyone is unique. I apply my experience in the field of skin improvement during my treatments."

Dominique Kortenoeven

Certified skin specialist
Michelle Huidspecialist bij SkinSurgery Clinics

Skin specialist Michelle is a true all-round skin improvement specialist within Skin+Surgery Clinics. Her dedication to the profession and ability to provide clients with an unparalleled experience make her a valuable asset to the Skin+Surgery Clinics team. With her in-depth knowledge, she will focus on treatments such as Hydrafacial, peels, connective tissue massage and the acclaimed skinceutical facials. These treatments are designed to enhance your natural beauty and make your skin glow.

Michelle Kok

Certified skin specialist

Upper eyelid surgery recovery

Prices and fees

At Skin + Surgery, we encourage upper eyelid surgery recovery by including pre- and aftercare in the price. This way, you know where you stand after an upper eyelid surgery at Skin + Surgery. The total price depends on which treatments you choose. Are you undergoing an upper eyelid correction against drooping eyelids for medical reasons? Then in some cases this can be reimbursed by your health insurer. Ask your health insurer about the possibilities.

Upper eyelid surgery recovery

Prefer to be treated close to home?

You know for sure! You are going to have an upper eyelid surgery and now that you know more about upper eyelid surgery recovery, it is time to make an appointment at Skin + Surgery. Skin + Surgery has two clinics in the Netherlands: one in The Hague and one in Bergschenhoek, near Rotterdam. This makes our clinics easily accessible from almost all over the Netherlands! An upper eyelid correction will change your view of the world. So schedule a no-obligation consultation soon and let our specialists help you.

Contact by phone

Mon to Sun 08:00 to 22:00