Filler for transgender people

At SkinSurgery begrijpen we hoe belangrijk het is om je gelukkig te voelen in je eigen lichaam. Een transitie is een persoonlijke reis, waarin wij uiterlijke schoonheid kunnen verfijnen en contouren.

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Filler treatment for transgender people

Hoe je je vanbinnen voelt, komt niet altijd overeen met hoe je er van buiten uitziet. Door kleine veranderingen in je gelaat aan te brengen met behulp van filler, kan je werkelijk transformeren, maar wel een natuurlijke uitstraling behouden. Zo kan je met een filler treatment, je wangen meer contouren en je lippen voller maken, zodat je gezicht vrouwelijker oogt. Onze gecertificeerd cosmetisch artsen zijn gespecialiseerd in injectable behandelingen voor transgenders, en kijken goed wat er bij jouw authentieke uitstraling past. Hierbij kun je bijvoorbeeld denken aan het opvullen van het voorhoofd voor minder prominente wenkbrauwen, het V-shapen van de kaaklijn en feminisatie van de wangen. Er zijn verschillende mogelijkheden op het gebied van injectables en operatieve behandelingen, aan de hand van jouw wensen maken we een op maat gemaakt behandelplan en werken we samen natuurlijk een stralend uiterlijk wat past bij jouw ‘inner beauty’!

Filler for transgender people

Results of filler for transgender people

SkinSurgery kan veel betekenen voor transgenders die zich niet thuis voelen in de geslachtsrol, waar ze mee geboren zijn. Ervaringen van onze clienten kunnen je helpen de stap samen met ons te zetten naar een zelfverzekerde uitstraling.

Filler for transgender people

In mijn transitie heb ik samen met Dr. Tha-In een persoonlijk behandelplan gemaakt, die ik in stappen heb ondergaan. Ze weet heel waar de focus ligt, hoe ze mijn gezicht moest shapen en ze geeft eerlijk en kundig advies. Nu, een jaar later is het resultaat nog mooier dan dat ik voor ogen had. Heel blij mee.

How does this treatment work?


Consultation with doctor


Consultation with doctor

During the consultation with our certified cosmetic doctor, ample time is taken to get to know you better. The doctor will assess your skin structure and discuss which treatment is most suitable for you. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions and express your wishes. A personalized treatment plan will be created, and the doctor will explain the treatment process, including what you can expect from the final results. Detailed information will be provided about aftercare, potential risks, and the expected outcome. If you decide to proceed with the treatment, all details will be recorded in your file, and you will sign the treatment agreement together with the cosmetic doctor. Photos will be taken for your file, which can later be compared to the final results.





The injectable will be administered into the agreed areas using a very fine needle. Most filler treatments are performed without anesthesia. If you find this uncomfortable, a numbing cream can be applied in consultation with the doctor. To reduce swelling, the skin will be cooled with an ice pack after the treatment.





After the treatment, you can go home immediately. Sometimes, the skin may be slightly red, and small bruises may appear. This will fade on its own and is not serious. It is advised to avoid exercise and alcohol consumption for at least the first 24-48 hours. Additionally, avoid exposing the skin to extreme heat (such as tanning beds or saunas).





The risk of complications very small. There is, as with any surgery, a small risk of infection or allergy.

Filler for transgender people

Prices and fees

Bij SkinSurgery geloven we dat iedereen uniek is. Tijdens een transitie ligt de focus op het verfijnen, vormen en contouren van het uiterlijk, waarbij persoonlijk advies essentieel is. Om tijdens dit proces de juiste professionele begeleiding te bieden en behandelingen af te stemmen op de wensen van de cliënt, kunnen de prijzen variëren. We lichten dit graag verder toe tijdens een vrijblijvend consult in onze kliniek in den Haag of Bergschenhoek.

Dr Thanya Tha-in SkinSurgery Clinics

Doctor Thanya Tha-In is one of the founders of SkinSurgery Clinics and studied medicine at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Thanya looks beyond the area to be treated and is genuinely interested in you as a person. With care and attention, she explains your options and is realistic in the expected result. This applies to treatment with injectables, but equally to surgery.

Dr Thanya Tha-In

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician & Surgeon
Drs Amra Sabanovic

Drs Amra Sabanovic is an all-round cosmetic doctor, in every treatment she can express her creativity to achieve the most beautiful and long-lasting results. The Liquid Facelift treatment and Labia correction are her favourite treatment which she performs frequently. At SkinSurgery clinics, she is the real expert. 'I personally find a full face treatment the most beautiful treatment to perform. It really gives a fresher and younger look, which you see good effects of for a longer period of time.' It is a nice step on giving the face a subtle lift where you see immediate results.

Drs Amra Sabanovic

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician

Drs Beekman is a passionate and skilled cosmetic doctor at SkinSurgery. She works very precisely and always strives for the most natural result. The cosmetic aspect of medicine has always interested her because of the fine dexterity and precise way of working. Drs Vivian Beekman likes to highlight all facets of cosmetic medicine. "Within Skin+Surgery, these facets come together nicely, which has allowed me to specialise in injectables and surgical treatments such as eyelid correction."

Drs Vivian Beekman

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician
Certified cosmetic doctor at SkinSurgery Clinics

Dr. Tessa Drijkoningen is a passionate and skilled cosmetic physician at Skin+Surgery. In addition to her extensive experience as a surgeon, she has also obtained a doctorate in surgery. Dr. Tessa always treats her clients holistically to maintain a beautiful and natural appearance.

Dr Tessa Drijkoningen

Cosmetic Doctor

Drs Suzanne van Soest is a highly skilled and passionate cosmetic doctor with an undeniable dedication and passion for beauty. With her extensive knowledge and experience in aesthetic medicine, she has built a reputation as a reliable and experienced specialist in her field.

Drs Suzanne van Soest

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician
Certified cosmetic doctor at SkinSurgery Clinics

Dr. Lara van de Lande is a perfectionistic and driven cosmetic physician at Skin+Surgery. In addition to her extensive experience as a surgeon, she has also obtained a doctorate through scientific research on congenital facial abnormalities and their treatments.

Dr Lara van de Lande

Cosmetic Doctor
Certified cosmetic doctor at SkinSurgery Clinics

Drs. Aletta de Wit is a true all-rounder within SkinSurgery Clinics. Drs Aletta de Wit is our specialist when it comes to wrinkle treatments and treatments aimed at restoring contours and volume loss in the face. She does this using injectables and PDO threads as well as skin-enhancing treatments with skin boosters and peels. Drs Aletta de Wit looks closely at your face, listens to your personal wishes and provides honest advice in what suitable options are available to subtly optimise the proportions of your face and bring it back into harmony for a fresh, youthful appearance.

Drs Aletta de Wit

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician
Huidspecialist bij SkinSurgery Clinics

Skin specialist Dominique Kortenoeven is a true skin improvement specialist within Skin+Surgery Clinics. "Helping people inside and out that's what is my favourite thing to do. I always try to build a special bond with my clients by listening carefully and giving expert advice, everyone is unique. I apply my experience in the field of skin improvement during my treatments."

Dominique Kortenoeven

Certified skin specialist
Michelle Huidspecialist bij SkinSurgery Clinics

Skin specialist Michelle is a true all-round skin improvement specialist within Skin+Surgery Clinics. Her dedication to the profession and ability to provide clients with an unparalleled experience make her a valuable asset to the Skin+Surgery Clinics team. With her in-depth knowledge, she will focus on treatments such as Hydrafacial, peels, connective tissue massage and the acclaimed skinceutical facials. These treatments are designed to enhance your natural beauty and make your skin glow.

Michelle Kok

Certified skin specialist

Filler for transgender people

Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question that is not answered? Feel free to contact us Monday to Sunday, between 08:00 and 22:00, at the following number or email.

Fillers, what exactly are they?

At the end of the day, a filler is nothing more than hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid already occurs naturally in your body and hydrates your skin. By injecting it into the middle and lower layer of skin, the skin is hydrated from within, this ensures a long-term improvement in skin quality. Fillers can also restore volume to the face and provide a rejuvenating and lifting effect through deep injection into the skin layers.

How long is the effect of filler?

How long results are visible varies from filler to filler. We assume an average duration of action between 6 and 12 months.

What is filler used for?

The filler is used to rejuvenate facial wrinkles. Often after a stressful period, due to losing weight or aging, for example, your face starts to show signs. Soluble non-permanent fillers are ideal for blurring signs of ageing and fatigue. The name actually says it all, namely: filler. The filler restores volume to certain areas of your face. Here you can think of lifting the cheeks, reducing the nasolabial fold and lifting the corners of the mouth.

Is injecting filler safe?

A lot of research has been done on filler injection. You will also read a lot in the media about the good and not so good experiences. Scientific research and our own experience have shown that the use of fillers is completely safe. The fillers Skin + Surgery Clinics works with are of high quality and completely biodegradable. In addition, our doctors always ensure a subtle result and guard against overfilling and an unnatural look. Our doctors therefore give honest advice at all times. Should we be of the opinion that your chosen treatment will lead to an unnatural look, we will discuss this in detail and in consultation decide not to carry out the treatment in this way.

How long is the effect of fillers?

How long results are visible varies from filler to filler. We assume an average duration of action between 6 and 12 months.

What is a filler used for?

The filler is used to rejuvenate facial wrinkles. Often after a stressful period, due to losing weight or aging, for example, your face starts to show signs. Soluble non-permanent fillers are ideal for blurring signs of ageing and fatigue. The name actually says it all, namely filler. The filler restores volume to certain areas of your face. These include lifting the cheeks, reducing the nasolabial fold and lifting the corners of the mouth.

Plan direct jouw afspraak in

For many transgender individuals, refinement and softening are important steps in their transition. With the right injectables, we refine and soften the features to achieve the desired harmony. SkinSurgery is the specialist in contouring and enhancing the face to bring out feminine features. Click here om naar de prijzenpagina te gaan.

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