
InnerBeauty: Discover and Care for Your Inner Beauty

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Beauty is on the outside and inside. Innerbeauty! Skin + Surgery uses natural products and therapies to bring your body and mind into harmony.

Please call 070-200 20 70
Mon to Sun 08:00 to 22:00

Highest quality

NVCG certified

Personal attention


Natural result

SkinSurgery inner beauty sm

Skin + Surgery


We believe that inner well-being and outer beauty go hand in hand. We tend to focus on the beautiful outside, forgetting that it is essential to actually feel good about yourself. A lot of love and energy is lost because we live in a stressful society. We lose ourselves in our work, our relationships or fail to relax because of all kinds of external influences. This while there is so much beauty inside. Only when your body and mind are balanced will you conquer the whole world with your smile. SkinSurgery Clinics is happy to help you with that.

Dr Thanya Tha-in SkinSurgery Clinics

Doctor Thanya Tha-In is one of the founders of SkinSurgery Clinics and studied medicine at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Thanya looks beyond the area to be treated and is genuinely interested in you as a person. With care and attention, she explains your options and is realistic in the expected result. This applies to treatment with injectables, but equally to surgery.

Dr Thanya Tha-In

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician & Surgeon
Certified cosmetic doctor at SkinSurgery Clinics

Drs. Aletta de Wit is a true all-rounder within SkinSurgery Clinics. Drs Aletta de Wit is our specialist when it comes to wrinkle treatments and treatments aimed at restoring contours and volume loss in the face. She does this using injectables and PDO threads as well as skin-enhancing treatments with skin boosters and peels. Drs Aletta de Wit looks closely at your face, listens to your personal wishes and provides honest advice in what suitable options are available to subtly optimise the proportions of your face and bring it back into harmony for a fresh, youthful appearance.

Drs Aletta de Wit

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician
Drs. Leanne

Drs Wong is a true all-rounder within Skin+Surgery Clinics. She is a perfectionist and always strives to achieve the most beautiful result. "I gained my experience in general surgery and surgery. During my cosmetic medicine training, things kept coming up, allowing me to broaden my horizons. Within Skin+Surgery, I have specialised in injectables and surgical treatments."

Drs. Leanne Wong

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician
Drs Amra Sabanovic

Drs Amra Sabanovic is an all-round cosmetic doctor, in every treatment she can express her creativity to achieve the most beautiful and long-lasting results. The Liquid Facelift treatment and Labia correction are her favourite treatment which she performs frequently. At SkinSurgery clinics, she is the real expert. 'I personally find a full face treatment the most beautiful treatment to perform. It really gives a fresher and younger look, which you see good effects of for a longer period of time.' It is a nice step on giving the face a subtle lift where you see immediate results.

Drs Amra Sabanovic

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician


External beauty
balanced again.

Regain balance between your inner well-being and outer beauty. Make an appointment now for a no-obligation consultation.

Contact by phone
070-200 20 70
Mon to Sun 08:00 to 22:00