Too Large Inner Labia? Choose a Discrete Correction

Are your inner labia bothering you and want to get rid of it? A labia correction at Skin + Surgery is the solution.



Inner labia

Do you have long or large inner labia that bother you? Do you feel uncomfortable because you are afraid to wear certain trousers? Or do you suffer from pain? A labia correction for the inner labia may be the solution.

Labia correction for the inner labia

Inner labia - Did you know that the labia correction is an increasingly common treatment? There are several types of labia correction, but the most common one focuses on the inner labia.

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What types of labia are there?

Because labia vary so enormously, it is impossible to list all types. We would like to give you some common examples of what the inner labia can look like.

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Reachability labia correction at Skin + Surgery

You have been able to read a lot of information about the inner labia and vulvas in general. You now know that the "normal" vulva does not actually exist, but that you may have a preference for what your vulva looks like.

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Inner labia

Results of a labia correction for the inner labia

Every woman has her own unique story and therefore a different reason for a labia correction. Whatever the reason, Skin + Surgery is happy to help women move forward and create the results they seek. Our clients' reviews will give you an idea of how our Skin + Surgery specialists proceed during an inner labia correction. Also check out the before and after photos to see the results of the treatment.

Anonymous - Pubic lip surgery

Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart


The doctor and assistant are super sweet, put you at ease and also very knowledgeable. The app of skin+surgery is also very nice to keep track of the recovery and you can always contact them with questions

Celine - Pubic lip surgery

Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart

Goed en kundig team!

Al jaren zat ik met het idee om deze operatie te ondergaan. Uiteindelijk in een spontaan moment een consult geboekt en ik had me geen betere ervaring kunnen wensen. Drs. Amra is onzettend kundig, geduldig en vriendelijk. Tijdens de operatie heeft zij samen met de assistente Marije mij gerust gesteld, liefdes advies gegeven en geweldig geholpen. Bij het zien van het eindresultaat moest ik huilen: wat een verademing and was ontzettend goed gedaan. Nu in mijn herstel periode ervaar in nauwelijks last- de nazorg instructies waren duidelijk. Doc. Amra bedankt! Door u zal mijn leven nooit meer hetzelfde zijn en kan ik mijzelf eindelijk in een nieuw beeld zien.

Lizzy - Pubic lip surgery

Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart

Fine clinic

I wanted to have a labia correction and ended up at SkinSurgery Clinics because I had the best feeling about it after the consultation. This was mainly due to the friendliness of the staff and honest medical advice. The end result is yet to be seen but so far my experience has been very positive and everything is healing fine. My thanks to everyone from the team in Bergschenhoek.

Anonymous - Pubic lip surgery

Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart Element heart

Truly a top experience

Told what my wishes were for me labia correction these wishes were met, They are always ready when you need them, gave the best care to me I am so happy with the doctor Drs. Amra did a wonderful job she is super sweet very clear. Really a top experience everything went perfectly definitely recommended to all ladies!

How does this treatment work?


Consultation with doctor


Consultation with doctor

A labia correction against long inner labia is always preceded by a consultation in a relaxed and discreet setting with our female surgeon. In this consultation, you can discuss all your wishes and complaints. All your questions will be answered, all your doubts and uncertainties cleared up. Our doctor will assess your eligibility for treatment. You must be at least 18 years old. If you are younger, your labia are not yet mature. Our female surgeon will tell you that no vagina is the same. Every vagina is unique and looks different. Just as you are a unique person.

During the initial consultation, your labia will be examined. Based on the targeted examination, treatment options are outlined, your anatomy, complaints and wishes are taken into account. You will receive clear explanations about what the treatment entails and what result you can expect from a labia correction against long inner labia. Aftercare, possible risks and costs are also discussed. If you decide to undergo a labia correction against long inner labia, photos are taken beforehand. These photos are later compared with the photos after the treatment. This gives you a good and honest picture of the natural result.





A labia correction against long inner labia is an outpatient treatment. You do not need to be admitted to our clinic for this. In consultation with one of our plastic surgeons, it is determined how much bulging skin will be removed. The relatively simple surgical procedure takes place under anaesthesia. A labia correction against long inner labia can be performed either under local anaesthesia or under general anaesthesia (narcosis). The excess skin is removed. After this, the blood vessels are burned shut, after which the wound is carefully sutured. No visible scars are left behind. The day surgery takes about 1 hour and is performed by a female surgeon affiliated with the NVPC, the Dutch Society for Plastic Surgery. You will be allowed to go home after treatment and a short rest period. You are not yet allowed to drive. Take someone with you or have someone pick you up.

The size and shape of the labia varies from woman to woman. Whereas the inner labia or labia minora still protrude several centimetres outside the labia majora before the treatment, the labia are nicely balanced after the surgical correction. The relationship between the inner and outer labia is restored. The labia minora may retain a somewhat irregular, asymmetrical appearance due to the skin structure and the healing process. This is normal. The wound heals quickly. The labia minora are well supplied with blood. They retain their natural sensitivity after the labia correction against long inner labia. The final result can be seen after six weeks to nine weeks.





The labia may be somewhat swollen and painful after surgery. You can take a painkiller against this. The slight swelling and pain can be counteracted by cooling the first days after treatment with a bag of frozen peas or a cold compress. Do not wear underwear that is too tight. Light bleeding may occur. It is wise to wear a sanitary pad or panty liner. The wound will not be bandaged. Keep the wound clean by rinsing it twice a day while showering. This promotes the healing process. You may apply cream to the wound and the surrounding skin area.

You may resume light daily activities soon after the labia correction against long inner labia, but take it easy for the first few weeks. Most women experience little pain and discomfort from the procedure, but the body needs some time to recover properly. In the first four to six weeks, avoid physical efforts that put pressure on the labia, such as heavy lifting, heavy labour, cycling and intense sports. It is not recommended to have sex during this recovery period. After about six weeks, you can resume all your activities.





The risks during a labia correction against long inner labia are low. The risk of complications after the surgery is equally small. In occasional cases, an allergic reaction to the anaesthetic fluid, plasters or disinfectants may occur. Bleeding, infection, impaired wound healing or thrombosis may occasionally occur. Our experienced specialists work with the best instruments and state-of-the-art treatment techniques to minimise the risks. And guarantee safe treatment with natural results.

You can also take measures yourself to eliminate any risks. For example, by quitting smoking. At least three weeks before the inner labia surgery and at least three weeks after the treatment. This reduces the risk of inflammation. Very occasionally there is a change in sensation in the labia, but this is rare. Our female surgeon works towards the most optimal result. Complete symmetry of the labia cannot be guaranteed. You will get the natural labia that suit you as a unique woman.

Inner labia

Prices and fees

Skin + Surgery creates high-quality natural results. The cost of an inner labia correction depends on which treatment you choose. For example, someone with one long labia causing asymmetry may go for a single-sided treatment. Someone with two long inner labia and a pronounced clitoral hood, may choose to add a clitoral hood correction. We will be happy to discuss all your options during a no-obligation consultation. In exceptional medical cases, a labia correction can be reimbursed. Ask for more information from your health insurer.

Pubic lip correction | single-sided 950
Pubic lip correction | bilateral 1500
Dr Thanya Tha-in SkinSurgery Clinics

Doctor Thanya Tha-In is one of the founders of SkinSurgery Clinics and studied medicine at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Thanya looks beyond the area to be treated and is genuinely interested in you as a person. With care and attention, she explains your options and is realistic in the expected result. This applies to treatment with injectables, but equally to surgery.

Dr Thanya Tha-In

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician & Surgeon
Drs Amra Sabanovic

Drs Amra Sabanovic is an all-round cosmetic doctor, in every treatment she can express her creativity to achieve the most beautiful and long-lasting results. The Liquid Facelift treatment and Labia correction are her favourite treatment which she performs frequently. At SkinSurgery clinics, she is the real expert. 'I personally find a full face treatment the most beautiful treatment to perform. It really gives a fresher and younger look, which you see good effects of for a longer period of time.' It is a nice step on giving the face a subtle lift where you see immediate results.

Drs Amra Sabanovic

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician

Drs Beekman is a passionate and skilled cosmetic doctor at SkinSurgery. She works very precisely and always strives for the most natural result. The cosmetic aspect of medicine has always interested her because of the fine dexterity and precise way of working. Drs Vivian Beekman likes to highlight all facets of cosmetic medicine. "Within Skin+Surgery, these facets come together nicely, which has allowed me to specialise in injectables and surgical treatments such as eyelid correction."

Drs Vivian Beekman

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician
Certified cosmetic doctor at SkinSurgery Clinics

Dr. Tessa Drijkoningen is a passionate and skilled cosmetic physician at Skin+Surgery. In addition to her extensive experience as a surgeon, she has also obtained a doctorate in surgery. Dr. Tessa always treats her clients holistically to maintain a beautiful and natural appearance.

Dr Tessa Drijkoningen

Cosmetic Doctor

Drs Suzanne van Soest is a highly skilled and passionate cosmetic doctor with an undeniable dedication and passion for beauty. With her extensive knowledge and experience in aesthetic medicine, she has built a reputation as a reliable and experienced specialist in her field.

Drs Suzanne van Soest

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician
Certified cosmetic doctor at SkinSurgery Clinics

Dr. Lara van de Lande is a perfectionistic and driven cosmetic physician at Skin+Surgery. In addition to her extensive experience as a surgeon, she has also obtained a doctorate through scientific research on congenital facial abnormalities and their treatments.

Dr Lara van de Lande

Cosmetic Doctor
Certified cosmetic doctor at SkinSurgery Clinics

Drs. Aletta de Wit is a true all-rounder within SkinSurgery Clinics. Drs Aletta de Wit is our specialist when it comes to wrinkle treatments and treatments aimed at restoring contours and volume loss in the face. She does this using injectables and PDO threads as well as skin-enhancing treatments with skin boosters and peels. Drs Aletta de Wit looks closely at your face, listens to your personal wishes and provides honest advice in what suitable options are available to subtly optimise the proportions of your face and bring it back into harmony for a fresh, youthful appearance.

Drs Aletta de Wit

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician
Huidspecialist bij SkinSurgery Clinics

Skin specialist Dominique Kortenoeven is a true skin improvement specialist within Skin+Surgery Clinics. "Helping people inside and out that's what is my favourite thing to do. I always try to build a special bond with my clients by listening carefully and giving expert advice, everyone is unique. I apply my experience in the field of skin improvement during my treatments."

Dominique Kortenoeven

Certified skin specialist
Michelle Huidspecialist bij SkinSurgery Clinics

Skin specialist Michelle is a true all-round skin improvement specialist within Skin+Surgery Clinics. Her dedication to the profession and ability to provide clients with an unparalleled experience make her a valuable asset to the Skin+Surgery Clinics team. With her in-depth knowledge, she will focus on treatments such as Hydrafacial, peels, connective tissue massage and the acclaimed skinceutical facials. These treatments are designed to enhance your natural beauty and make your skin glow.

Michelle Kok

Certified skin specialist

Labia correction

Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question that is not answered? Feel free to contact us Monday to Sunday, between 08:00 and 22:00, at the following number or email.

Who is a labia correction not suitable for?

Every body is authentic. No two vaginas are the same. Do you feel that your vagina deviates from the norm, without suffering from psychological or physical symptoms as a result? If so, it is important to realise that there is no such thing as the standard vagina or the average vagina. In that case, it is wise to check with yourself whether the result of such an operation really contributes to your sense of well-being.

When the labia are not yet mature, a labia correction is not possible (yet). The operation can be performed at our premises if you are over 18 years old.

Aftercare after a labia correction

Virtually no bruising occurs after the labia correction. However, considerable swelling may occur. It is important to start cooling immediately after treatment. An ice pack is recommended for this. We recommend cooling the treated area regularly for several days. Counter pressure is also recommended. You can think of a hard chair or rolled up towel. It is also important to keep the wound clean. It should therefore be rinsed at least twice a day and after every visit to the toilet.

After treatment, the wound is not bandaged. However, it is wise to use sanitary pads to ensure that any blood loss is collected.

In the first four to six weeks after the labia correction, we advise against any additional exertion. You can think of heavy physical work, heavy lifting, cycling and sports. Sex is also not recommended during the recovery period. The advice is to wait six weeks for this.

What is the recovery like after a labia correction?

Swelling may occur after the labia correction, which is why it is important to start cooling immediately after the procedure. An ice pack is used for this purpose. We recommend cooling the swelling and the treated area for the first few days. It is also important to keep the wound clean. It should therefore be rinsed at least twice a day, for example while showering. If necessary, the wound and the surrounding area may be rubbed with a cream.

After the procedure, the wound is not bandaged. However, it is wise to use sanitary pads to ensure that any blood loss is collected.

In the first four to six weeks after the labia correction, we advise against any additional exertion. You can think of heavy physical work, heavy lifting, etching and sports. During the recovery period, sex is not recommended. The advice is to wait at least six weeks for this.

Want to know more about recovery after a labia correction? Irene had this procedure done at SkinSurgery Clinics, and shares in this blog her experience.

Will a labia correction be reimbursed?

A labia correction is a procedure that is generally not covered by insured care. Only if the operation is medically necessary, some health insurers reimburse the treatment in rare cases. If you are considering a labia correction, it is wise to check beforehand whether your (supplementary) health insurance covers this procedure and, if so, under what conditions.

Is a labia correction safe?

Although a labia correction is a relatively simple procedure, there are risks with any surgery. Possible risks after surgery may include post-operative bleeding or the wound may become infected and/or inflamed. In some cases, scars may be or remain numb after healing.

Labia are naturally asymmetrical. Although efforts are made to achieve as symmetrical a result as possible, a completely symmetrical result cannot be guaranteed after surgery. However, the inner and outer labia are balanced as much as possible.

What exactly is a labia correction?

During a labia correction, or labia correction, the inner labia are reduced in size. This can be chosen for cosmetic or medical reasons. The inner labia (labia minora) are surgically reduced in such a way that they fall within the outer labia (labia majora) and are thus better protected.

Schedule your appointment now

Nobody is the same and every vulva also looks different. Some women have long inner labia and this is quite normal! Some find this annoying because it can cause discomfort such as pain. You don't have to live with large inner labia if you prefer not to have them. Our experienced Skin + Surgery specialists will be happy to assist you. Request a no-obligation consultation and visit one of our clinics. Our female surgeon will help you with all your questions.

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