SkinSurgery Schaamlip correctie scaled 1My experience labia correction“>

My experience labia correction

*Irene has kept a diary about her experience with a labia correction at Skin + Surgery. She is happy to share why she chose this procedure and what the recovery has been like for her. However, everyone is unique and experiences the procedure differently, Irene's story is an example of what recovery can be like. How you might labia correction or labia correctie experience, we cannot predict exactly in advance. Therefore, always be well informed during a personal consultation so you can ask your questions and make an informed choice.


The older I got, the more I felt that I could not quite be myself in my own body. I wanted to be proud of my body and be able to be naked without shame, but I always felt inhibited in this. My inner labia protruded about 2cm. I carefully made sure no one would see this. When girlfriends went to the sauna for a weekend, for instance, I always made excuses, sex with the light on I tried to avoid as much as possible. But even when I wore a bikini, I was always concerned that people couldn't see my labia and made sure I tucked them in.


In my mind, it was becoming a bigger and bigger obstacle and with this grew dissatisfaction with my body. I had a huge need to 'be free' and do what I wanted instead of having to hide all the time.


For years, I tried to ignore the feeling because I thought I should be happy with the body I had. Until I suddenly wondered why I was so hard on myself. Why didn't I just accept that this was something I would never be happy with instead of forcing myself to be happy with this. Once I had thought about this, I didn't have to think for long and started looking for a good clinic that could inform me about this. After searching and comparing on the internet, I decided to make an appointment for a consultation at SkinSurgery Clinics. The reviews showed that they scored high professionally and the personal approach really appealed to me.


Through the website, I left my phone number so that I would be called. This happened just a day later and the date for the consultation was set. During the consultation, I was informed about the procedure in a friendly and informal manner and was able to ask questions. I was given a mirror and was able to watch the surgeon. She explained what treatment she would recommend and what results it would give. We decided that a Labia correction including V lift het mooiste resultaat zou geven. De chirurg (Dr. Thanya Tha-In) gaf hierbij aan dat het herstel hiervan wel langer zou duren. Hierna kon ik bij de balie een afspraak maken voor de behandeling, welke na vier weken al plaats kon vinden.


In preparation, you will receive an e-mail indicating that you need to have a few things at home, such as an icepack, sanitary pads and paracetamol. I bought a normal icepack and a gel eye mask that you can put in the freezer and fits well in your underwear. I also had panty liners instead of sanitary pads because they are a bit smaller and fit more snugly. Furthermore, I recommend everyone to buy corrective underwear (without legs) I wore these every day for the first three weeks, because they stay firmly in place and therefore minimise pressure on the wound (read: less pain). Furthermore, I made sure I had plenty of easy and healthy food I home, I mainly made quick wok meals the first week, so I didn't have to stand for too long. Also, make sure you have a nice pair of wide-legged sweatpants and a nice spot on your sofa, because this is where you will spend a lot of time during the first week. I took two weeks off work. I thought one week would be enough, but in retrospect I was glad I took two weeks because I could only sit on a chair again the weekend before I had to start work again.


The day of treatment

A friend brought me to the clinic on the day of treatment. An hour before the treatment, as prescribed, I took two paracetamol at home. After arriving at the clinic, I was given a tube of anaesthetic ointment to apply on my pubic area. The ointment initially caused a burning and tingling sensation, but this quickly subsided. After the ointment had soaked in, I was collected from the waiting room and allowed to enter the treatment room. The entire treatment was discussed with me again and I was told to expect the first 10 days to be tough. I was allowed to ask questions and when everything was clear, I was allowed to sit on the treatment table. I was quite nervous but Dr Thanya and her friendly colleague put me at ease and chatted pleasantly to me so I had some distraction.


The anaesthetic pricks are not pleasant, but fortunately they are quick. After the anaesthetic is placed, the procedure actually starts immediately. Of course, you will not feel any pain during the procedure, but you will feel, for instance, that sutures are being applied. You also smell the cauterisation of the blood vessels. The procedure took about half an hour and when it was finished I had to be cooled with an ice pack. After this, I was allowed off the treatment table again and could dress myself. I was glad I had brought my corrective underwear with me because this gave me strength and counter pressure right from the start. The wound was already swollen. The anaesthesia lasts for about an hour after the treatment, so the journey home was manageable.


I wanted to keep a close eye on the recovery, so I took a photo every day and wrote down how it went. You can read my experiences of the first two weeks below. It may be valuable to read this, as well as other experiences with Pubia corrections within the website.

My experience: labia correction full progression

Day 1 to 3

The wound is very painful, the inner and outer labia are very swollen so the stitches are tight. This makes it painful to move; walking is done very carefully with my legs wide apart, sitting is impossible so I hang out on the sofa. Every hour I have to cool the wound; in between I wear my corrective underwear with a panty liner and a rolled-up towel between my legs that presses against the wound. Because I secure my feet over each other, this gives enough pressure. Cooling the wound is very painful, it gives a burning and sore feeling and when I loosen the icepack, the gauze sticks to the wound. Pulling off this gauze is not pleasant. The bleeding gets less and less but the swelling remains the same. I urinate in the shower so I can rinse it gently with a soft stream. Sleeping is a challenge because I cannot put my legs together because that puts too much pressure on the wound. I therefore sleep on my back and under my knees I put a big pillow. Between my legs I still have the rolled-up towel to give counter pressure.


Day 4 to 6

Basically, you only need to refrigerate the wound for 48 hours, but I still did this every morning after getting up for the first week because the wound kept thickening. The bleeding almost stopped. Changing the sanitary pad is still painful because it also sticks to the wound. As I wanted advice on cooling the wound, I called the clinic. I was told that cooling is no longer necessary, but it is allowed if it gives me pain relief. As a tip, I was told that it is handy to put a loose sanitary towel in your underwear (so don't stick it on) and when the sanitary towel sticks to the wound when changing, rinse it under the shower. This way it is less painful. I still can't walk normally, nor can I sit. My outer labia are blue, thick and still feel sore. The inner labia are quite swollen, they seem more swollen than the days before. I do see that the swelling is getting less by giving than counter pressure with the towel. I still cannot put my legs together because the pressure on the wound would be too painful.


Day 7 to 10

The swelling is decreasing a little more and with this, the pressure on the wound is getting less and less. As a result, I can finally move more freely. Walking is slightly better but still doesn't quite manage normally. I have tried to sit upright. This works very carefully on the sofa but not on a hard chair. I try to walk more and more because I notice that my body gets very stiff because I move so little. I no longer sleep on my back but now have a pillow between my knees so I can sleep on my side. Since I am bothered at night by the panty liner rubbing against the wound when I turn over, I tried sleeping without panty liner. This went well as I make sure nothing touches the wound.


Day 11 to 14

I took a walk outside for a bit, this works out normally. I do feel the wound when I walk, but it is manageable. My inner and outer labia are a lot less swollen, only the part of the V-lift remains swollen and sensitive for longer. I can't touch my inner labia yet as this is too painful. Very occasionally it still bleeds. When showering, I gently pat the wounds dry. I have the check-up appointment at the 12e day. Everything looked good, thankfully. The stitches are still in but these dissolve on their own. I wore normal underwear for the first time, but this was still not very comfortable. The corrective underwear gives nice support and because it is tight it ensures that no fabric rubs against the wound.


Only after 2 weeks could I carefully sit on a chair again. I walked all days in sweatpants or sports leggings. After 20 days, I put on jeans, but this did not feel nice because the hard fabric rubbed against the wound. The following day, everything was a bit swollen again, so I went back to my sports leggings.


After two weeks

The treatment has now been three weeks. I still wear as few tight-fitting trousers as possible. I can sit very carefully with my legs crossed. The wound is still swollen and painful at the part where the V lift was performed. Occasionally, it also bleeds a little here. My outer labia have shrunk almost completely, but my inner labia are still sensitive and partly swollen. I contacted Dr Thanya about this and she indicated that this is completely normal and everything will be fully recovered only after six weeks. So I still have to be patient to see what the final result will look like, but am definitely already happy with how it looks now.

Are you considering this treatment? These are my tips!

You are given some gauze pads after the treatment. These ran out on me after a few days. I therefore used a t-shirt to put around the icepack and towel. I had bought gauze pads myself but they were the coarse texture and the t-shirt was of a fine soft material, making it less painful to hold against the wound.


For the first few days, moving around was very painful. Because of this, I tried to avoid sitting and standing up as much as possible. I therefore made sure I had everything within reach. For instance, I put two cups of tea on a small table nearby. With me on the sofa was the paracetamol, my phone charger and magazine, the TV remote control and a bottle of water. That way I was sure I didn't have to get off the sofa between chilling.


Because I was not able to move properly during the first few days and had to adopt a different posture than normal, my back really hurt after a few days. Therefore, do try to stretch a little in between (for instance when you walk to the fridge for your ice pack) so that you keep a bit of flexibility.


The first week (and the second week with pain and difficulty) I was unable to sit down and was therefore glad I had no appointments scheduled. Especially the first week, really take your time to recover peacefully and be patient.


If you have a question during recovery, don't hesitate to contact SkinSurgery Clincs. I also called the clinic several times in between and was very kindly helped each time.

My experience: labia correction before after

Would you like more information about a labia correction following Irene's story? We've already collected a lot of information for you at this page. Would you prefer direct personal advice? Ask for free a non-binding consultation to see what we can do for you.

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