Pubic lip surgery: recovery
Wat kun je verwachten tijdens het herstel van een labia correction? Hoelang duurt het en wanneer kun je je dagelijkse leven weer oppakken? Goeie vragen als je een schaamlipcorrectie overweegt. We delen graag onze ervaringen en begeleiden je gedurende de hele nazorg. Alles voor een goed verloop van jouw herstel na een schaamlipcorrectie!
Recovery after a labia correction
After the labia correction, the area may swell; it is important to cool down after the procedure. A bag of frozen peas is usually used for this purpose. We recommend continuing to cool the swelling regularly for several days. It is also important to keep the wound clean.
Read moreRecovery after a labia correction
After the labia correction, the area may swell; it is important to cool down after the procedure. A bag of frozen peas is usually used for this purpose. We recommend continuing to cool the swelling regularly for several days. It is also important to keep the wound clean. It should therefore be flushed at least twice a day and after every toilet visit. To make the toilet visit less painful, you can have a bottle of water with you. After the procedure, the wound will not be bandaged. However, it is wise to use sanitary pads to ensure that any blood loss is collected. Be careful that the sanitary pads do not get stuck.
How long does recovery take after a labia correction?
In the first four to six weeks after the labia correction, we advise against any additional exertion. You can think of heavy physical work, heavy lifting, cycling and sports. Intercourse is also not recommended during the recovery period.
Scarring after a labia correction
The labia are a well-blooded body part, so you generally recover fairly quickly after the procedure. Scars may be visible at first, as they turn red in colour. However, this almost always goes away, and the scars become lighter and less noticeable over time.