
Ooglidcorrectie in omgeving Rijswijk

Ooglidcorrectie in omgeving Rijswijk

Veel van ons hebben of krijgen te maken met hangende oogleden in ons leven. Ooglidcorrecties lossen dit op!

Highest quality

NVCG certified

Personal attention


Natural result

Ooglidcorrectie specialist in omgeving Rijswijk

Ooglidcorrectie Rijswijk – Skin + Surgery is niet alleen specialist op het gebied van ooglidcorrecties, wij bieden verschillende soorten ooglidcorrecties aan in de omgeving van Rijswijk. Naast bovenooglidcorrecties en lower eyelid surgery, bieden wij ook dubbele ooglidcorrecties aan, ook wel Asian eyelid surgery genoemd. Lees here over onze ooglidcorrecties en plan bij vragen een non-binding consultation met ons in.

Wil je meer weten over hoe cliënten van Skin + Surgery hun ooglidcorrectie hebben ervaren? Lees de reviews op Skin + Surgery en transparantie gaan hand in hand. Onze prijzen kun je op deze pagina lezen of je kunt onze prijzenpagina bezoeken, met een actueel overzicht van alle overige behandelingen inclusief ooglidcorrecties.

Ooglidcorrectie Rijswijk

Onze resultaten na een ooglidcorrectie Rijswijk

Skin + Surgery heeft honderden ooglidcorrecties uitgevoerd en is een echte specialist. Lees de reviews van de vele vrouwen en mannen die jou voorgingen en kozen voor een ooglidcorrectie bij Skin + Surgery in de omgeving van Rijswijk.

Anonymous - Pubic lip surgery


The doctor and assistant are super sweet, put you at ease and also very knowledgeable. The app of skin+surgery is also very nice to keep track of the recovery and you can always contact them with questions

Marianne Verified

Very pleasant experience

The intake was very pleasant, time was taken and clear explanations given. The correction was done in a pleasant atmosphere and I am very happy with the result. Aftercare is also done carefully and with attention. I benefited a lot from the app. All my questions were answered there and I was given good instructions.


A nice and familiar feeling

She gave me the familiar feeling I had not had before this. The calmness she exudes, the time she takes for you and her honesty.

Mandy - Verified

Excellent service

I was 1000% pleased with the treatment. I was very well talked through everything and put at ease. I can't say anything about the end result yet, because I'm still wearing patches.

Addie - Verified


Anaesthetic unpleasant but everything painless afterwards. Fine and friendly guidance. Quiet environment with pleasant staff.

Ooglidcorrectie Rijswijk

Quality is our passion

Klachten door hangende oogleden

Heb jij last van de volgende klachten?

  1. Slechter zien en meer moeite moeten doen om te kunnen zien
  2. Een drukkend gevoel op het oog
  3. Zware oogleden
  4. Een vermoeide uitstraling
  5. Hoofdpijn door spanning
  6. Geen oog make-up kunnen gebruiken omdat het ooglid een ruimte overlaat.

Dan heb je waarschijnlijk last van hangende oogleden. Hangende oogleden kunnen om medische en cosmetische redenen heel vervelend zijn. Naast hangende oogleden, kun je ook last hebben van diepe wallen onder de ogen. Wallen zorgen er niet alleen voor dat je er vermoeid uitziet, maar ook dat je er een stuk ouder uitziet dan je daadwerkelijk bent. Gelukkig is er een oplossing tegen deze klachten. Een ooglidcorrectie in omgeving Rijswijk.



Consultation with doctor


Consultation with doctor

Een ooglidcorrectie in Rijswijk wordt altijd voorafgegaan door een consultation with one of our qualified and experienced doctors. You can easily book an appointment for a free consultation via our website. During the personal interview with our surgical doctor, you can indicate what bothers you, what eye complaints you have and what you would like to see changed. The consultation takes place in a relaxed setting so that you feel completely at ease. You will have the conversation with the doctor treating you.

You may during the free consultation al je vragen stellen over de behandeling, de nazorg, de risico’s en de kosten. Je krijgt deskundig en eerlijk antwoord. Er wordt onderzocht of je in aanmerking komt voor een ooglidcorrectie. Je krijgt duidelijke uitleg over het gehele behandeltraject en het te verwachten resultaat. Tijdens dit eerste consult worden foto’s gemaakt van vóór de behandeling. Deze worden in een later stadium naast de foto’s gelegd ná de chirurgische ingreep. Je ziet zo het positieve effect van de ooglidcorrectie in Rijswijk.





Een ooglidcorrectie in Rijswijk vereist no recording at our clinic. It is an outpatient treatment and relatively simple procedure performed under local anaesthetic. If you are very nervous, sedative medication can be prescribed. Our patients are allowed to go home after the procedure and after a short rest period. An upper eyelid correction is performed for drooping eyelids. The treatment area is first marked off. After a minute incision, the excess skin and fatty tissue is removed. The scar of the suture falls precisely into the natural skin fold. This is virtually invisible later.

Een ooglidcorrectie in Rijswijk vereist geen opname in onze kliniek. Het is een poliklinische behandeling en betrekkelijk eenvoudige ingreep die onder plaatselijke verdoving plaatsvindt. Als je heel zenuwachtig bent, kan kalmerende medicatie worden voorgeschreven. Onze patiënten mogen na de ingreep en na een korte rusttijd weer naar huis. Een bovenooglidcorrectie wordt uitgevoerd bij hangende oogleden. Het behandelgebied wordt eerst afgetekend. Na een minieme incisie wordt het teveel aan huid- en vetweefsel weggehaald. Het litteken van de hechting valt precies in de natuurlijke huidplooi. Deze is later vrijwel niet zichtbaar.





You are guaranteed at Skin + Surgery excellent aftercare. Wij handelen volgens een nazorgprotocol, om de risico’s en kans op complicaties te minimaliseren. De zwelling en roodheid na de ooglidcorrectie in Rijswijk kunnen effectief worden bestreden met een koelbril. Je plaatst een gaasje tussen je ogen en de koelbril. Het helpt om de eerste dagen met een extra kussen te slapen, zodat je hoofd hoger ligt. Bij lichte pijnklachten kan een paracetamol worden ingenomen. Het is toegestaan om je ogen een dag na de ingreep met een zachte waterstraal te spoelen. Dep het daarna droog, zonder te wrijven.

For the first week, avoid heavy physical exercise, lifting, bending, pressing and coughing. You should not cut the ends of the stitches yourself. This will be done after 7 to 9 days at our clinic. It is out of the question to smoke while the sutures are still in place. Otherwise, your blood vessels will constrict and you run an increased risk of impaired wound healing. You may use make-up again after the stitches have been removed and all scabs are gone. Do not expose the scars to sunlight or tanning bed radiation for the first three months. You will see our doctor for a check-up up to 6 weeks after the treatment.





Een ooglidcorrectie in Rijswijk gaat niet gepaard met grote risico’s of complicaties. Deze kortdurende en relatief simple intervention produces only some swelling, redness and bruising around the eyes. These symptoms disappear after a few days. In occasional cases, a post-operative haemorrhage, eye inflammation, numbness of the eyelid margin, uneven eyelids, cysts or scarring may occur. If in doubt, contact the specialists at Skin + Surgery. Our doctors are readily available.

Drs Wong is a true all-rounder within Skin+Surgery Clinics. She is a perfectionist and always strives to achieve the most beautiful result. "I gained my experience in general surgery and plastic surgery. During my cosmetic medicine training, things kept coming up, allowing me to broaden my horizons. Within Skin+Surgery, I have specialised in injectables and surgical treatments."

Drs. Leanne Wong

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician

Dr Tessa Drijkoningen is a passionate and skilled cosmetic doctor at Skin+Surgery. In addition to her extensive experience as a doctor of surgery and plastic surgery, she also holds a doctorate in plastic surgery. Dr Tessa always treats her clients holistically to maintain a beautiful and natural appearance.

Dr Tessa Drijkoningen

Cosmetic Doctor

Drs Beekman is a passionate and skilled cosmetic doctor at Skin+Surgery. She works very precisely and always strives for the most natural result. The cosmetic aspect of medicine has always interested her because of the fine dexterity and precise way of working. Drs Vivian Beekman likes to highlight all facets of cosmetic medicine. "Within Skin+Surgery, these facets come together nicely, which has allowed me to specialise in injectables and surgical treatments such as eyelid correction."

Drs Vivian Beekman

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician
Dominique SkinSurgery Clinics

Skin specialist Dominique Kortenoeven is a true skin improvement specialist within Skin+Surgery Clinics. "Helping people inside and out that's what is my favourite thing to do. I always try to build a special bond with my clients by listening carefully and giving expert advice, everyone is unique. I apply my experience in the field of skin improvement during my treatments."

Dominique Kortenoeven

Certified skin specialist

Skin specialist Naomi Sambo is a true all-round skin improvement specialist within Skin+Surgery Clinics. By listening carefully to your specific wishes and drawing up a personal treatment plan together, she helps you get to the most beautiful version of yourself step by step. Besides the fact that her treatments are very effective, she also finds it important that you experience a moment of rest. That you don't have to do anything for a while. Because when you relax, your body can recover best.

Naomi Sambo

Certified skin specialist

Dr Lara van de Lande is a perfectionist and driven cosmetic doctor at Skin+Surgery. Besides her extensive experience as a doctor of surgery and plastic surgery, she also has a PhD in scientific research on congenital facial abnormalities and their treatments.

Dr Lara van de Lande

Cosmetic Doctor
Dr Tha-In SkinSurgery Clinics

Doctor Thanya Tha-In is one of the founders of Skin + Surgery Clinics and studied medicine at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Thanya looks beyond the area to be treated and is genuinely interested in you as a person. With care and attention, she explains the possibilities to you and is realistic in the expected result. This applies to treatment with injectables, but equally to surgery.

Dr Thanya Tha-In

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician & Surgeon

Drs. Aletta de Wit is a true all-rounder within SkinSurgery Clinics. Drs Aletta de Wit is our specialist when it comes to wrinkle treatments and treatments aimed at restoring contours and volume loss in the face. She does this using injectables and PDO threads as well as skin-enhancing treatments with skin boosters and peels. Drs Aletta de Wit looks closely at your face, listens to your personal wishes and provides honest advice in what suitable options are available to subtly optimise the proportions of your face and bring it back into harmony for a fresh, youthful appearance.

Drs Aletta de Wit

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician

Dr Kristel Woltman is a cosmetic surgeon as well as a general surgeon. She not only likes to make people more beautiful, she also likes to make them better. Her treatments regularly have a medical reason. Dr Kristel is a perfectionist and driven doctor. She values natural results: "I believe that everyone is unique, and I want to keep it that way. After all, I don't like plastic fantastic."

Dr Kristel Woltman

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician

Drs Amra Sabanovic is an all-round cosmetic doctor, in every treatment she can express her creativity to achieve the most beautiful and long-lasting results. The Liquid Facelift treatment and Labia correction are her favourite treatment which she performs frequently. At Skin + Surgery clinics, she is the real expert. 'I personally find a full face treatment the most beautiful treatment to perform. It really gives a fresher and younger look, which you see good effects of for a longer period of time.' It is a nice step on giving the face a subtle lift where you see immediate results.

Drs Amra Sabanovic

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician

Drs Suzanne van Soest is a highly skilled and passionate cosmetic doctor with an undeniable dedication and passion for beauty. With her extensive knowledge and experience in aesthetic medicine, she has built a reputation as a reliable and experienced specialist in her field.

Drs Suzanne van Soest

KNMG Certified Cosmetic Physician

Skin specialist Michelle is a true all-round skin improvement specialist within Skin+Surgery Clinics. Her dedication to the profession and ability to provide clients with an unparalleled experience make her a valuable asset to the Skin+Surgery Clinics team. With her in-depth knowledge, she will focus on treatments such as Hydrafacial, peels, connective tissue massage and the acclaimed skinceutical facials. These treatments are designed to enhance your natural beauty and make your skin glow.

Michelle Kok

Certified skin specialist

Waarom heb ik hangende oogleden?

Vraag jij je soms af “Waarom heb ik hangende oogleden?” Skin + Surgery heeft het antwoord. In de meeste gevallen is het simpelweg het natuurlijke verouderingsproces. Als we ouder worden:

  • neemt de elasticiteit van onze huid af omdat onze huid minder collageen en elastine aanmaakt
  • verslapt de levatorspier in het ooglid. Deze spier trekt het ooglid dan niet meer goed omhoog. Dit noemen we ptosis.
  • neemt het vet gehalte in het ooglid af, waardoor het vel boven de ogen meer gaat hangen.

Jongeren kunnen ook last krijgen van hangende oogleden, alleen is er dan vaak sprake van een andere oorzaak. Onze specialisten zullen dit uitgebreid bekijken en beoordelen. Plan een consultation in voor een ooglidcorrectie in omgeving Rijswijk en laat je helpen.

Eyelid surgery

Prices and fees

Wil jij graag een ooglidcorrectie ondergaan en ben je benieuwd naar hoeveel een ooglidcorrectie kost? Onze prijzen zijn inclusief voor- en nazorg, maar blijven afhankelijk van de behandeling die je kiest. Wil je bijvoorbeeld één ooglid behandelen, of misschien toch beide? Daarnaast kan een ooglidcorrectie in Rijswijk om medische redenen vergoed worden door zorgverzekeraars. Informeer naar de mogelijkheden bij je zorgverzekeraar.

Block settings

Ooglidcorrectie Rijswijk

Frequently asked questions

If your question is not listed, contact us now.

Mon to Sun 08:00 to 22:00

Post-treatments and check-ups after eyelid surgery

After 7-9 days, the stitches and plasters will be removed during the check-up appointment.
Up to 6 weeks after surgery, you will see your treating physician for check-ups.

What else can you do to combat swelling after eyelid surgery?

To minimise swelling after eyelid surgery, it is important to cool down properly. In addition, you can consider lymphatic drainage to help drain the wound fluid that develops after eyelid surgery during the healing process.


In preparation for your eyelid surgery, if you maximally activate the lymphatic system and completely empty the lymphatic sponge, this system can absorb and drain the subcutaneous fluid, which can cause much less swelling.


The recommended lymph drainage schedule for an eyelid correction is 3 preparatory drains before and 3 post-treatments after the eyelid correction. The drainage is a low-pressure treatment that allows safe treatment soon after the eyelid correction.

Our advice after treatment

You will experience the least swelling after surgery if you sleep with an extra pillow so that your head is higher than the rest of your body.
During the first week after surgery, try not to bend over, lift heavily, cough and push. Postpone (intensive) sports for a fortnight and do not wear lenses and make-up either. Do not put anything on the eyelids and try not to rub them. After about a week, when all the scabs have come off, you can start using the scar cream we gave you.

Aftercare after eyelid surgery

Due to our many years of experience in performing eyelid corrections, we work with a special pre- and aftercare protocol. This way, you are optimally prepared and recover without complications.

Usually, pain relief with paracetamol is sufficient after surgery.
We advise you not to drive a car on the day of surgery and as long as your vision is obstructed.

You should not use contact lenses for 2 weeks. You can use make-up again after removing the sutures, when all scabs have disappeared.
We advise you not to smoke until the sutures are removed. Smoking increases the risk of complications. We advise you not to expose the scars to UV sunlight and/or tanning beds for 3 months after surgery.

What can you expect after treatment?

Often you have been considering eyelid surgery for some time, but when you actually take the step is different for everyone. If you look in the mirror and find that you have a gloomy or tired look, even when you are well rested, you may have already considered doing something about it. Eyelid surgery offers a solution here. However, an eyelid correction is not just a solution to a cosmetic problem. Overhanging eyelids can cause various complaints. In some cases, they can limit vision. Overhanging eyelids can also cause headaches, as your muscles have to put more effort into keeping the eyes open. Regardless of the underlying desire for your eyelid surgery, it is important to first find out whether you qualify for it. The best way to do this is to request a no-obligation consultation with our specialists.

What is the difference in price of upper eyelid surgery

Skin + Surgery Clinics is transparent and fair in its pricing. We value quality, which is why we only work with experienced cosmetic doctors. Because everyone is unique, what can be corrected to the eyelids can vary from person to person. Sometimes only excess skin needs to be removed, sometimes excess fat or muscle tissue is also involved. In our clinic, we consider two things important in this: long-lasting and natural results.


Upper eyelid surgery bilateral - skin resection

If there is only excess skin, eyelid surgery with skin resection will suffice. The underlying muscle tissue or fat pockets will not be corrected in this case.


Upper eyelid surgery both sides - skin resection and adjusting muscle

Often, in addition to excess skin, there is sagging of the orbicularis oculi: the muscle used in closing and opening the eyelids. By removing a small strip, the result becomes more natural than if we only removed skin while there is excess and sagging muscle.


Upper eyelid surgery both sides - skin resection, muscle and fat pockets removed

For somewhat thick eyelids, or puffy eyes, it is often necessary to remove some fat in addition to excess skin and muscle. This fat 'pushes' against the septum, muscle and skin, so to speak, and therefore partially causes the drooping eyelids. Therefore, to ensure long-term results, it is necessary to remove the fat as well in this indication.

So how does this work?

Performing an eyelid correction requires skilled work. There are different types of eyelid surgery, all with different intended results. To determine your eligibility for the procedure and which technique best suits your desired result, a preliminary examination is needed. During the preliminary examination, there is room to ask all your questions. Pictures are also taken for the medical record. With the preliminary examination, we ensure that you have a realistic expectation of the intended results.

Who is this correction suitable for?

Often you have been considering eyelid surgery for some time, but when you actually take the step is different for everyone. If you look in the mirror and find that you have a gloomy or tired look, even when you are well rested, you may have already considered doing something about it. Eyelid surgery offers a solution here. However, an eyelid correction is not just a solution to a cosmetic problem. Overhanging eyelids can cause various complaints. In some cases, they can limit vision. Overhanging eyelids can also cause headaches, as your muscles have to put more effort into keeping the eyes open. Regardless of the underlying desire for your eyelid surgery, it is important to first find out if you qualify for it. The best way to do this is to request a no-obligation consultation with our specialists

What exactly is eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery involves removing excess skin and fat from the upper and or lower eyelids. When an eyelid correction is performed from a cosmetic point of view, it can achieve a fresher and rested look. Eyelid correction can also be performed from a medical point of view, when the overhanging eyelids cause symptoms. In both cases, the procedure is the same.

Bereikbaarheid ooglidcorrectie in Rijswijk

Skin + Surgery heeft klinieken in The Hague en Bergschenhoek, vlakbij Rotterdam. Dit maakt onze kliniek goed bereikbaar vanuit Rijswijk, Delft, Bleiswijk, Waddinxveen, Zevenhuizen, Gouda, Zoetermeer, Berkel, Rodenrijs en meer steden in de omgeving. Vanuit Rijswijk ben je ongeveer 20 onderweg naar een van onze klinieken.

Ooglidcorrectie Rijswij

Want to be treated close to home?

Wil je dichtbij huis geholpen worden voor jouw ooglidcorrectie behandeling? Skin + Surgery heeft klinieken in Den Haag en Bergschenhoek, vlakbij Rotterdam. Onze kliniek is uitstekend bereikbaar vanuit Rijswijk, Delft, Gouda, Leidschendam, Zoetermeer, Pijnacker, Voorburg, Leiden en Nootdorp. Plan een vrijblijvend advies in en laat je helpen door specialisten met jarenlange ervaring en een esthetische focus!