Before and after photos of all treatments

Here you can view before and after photos of patients treated at Skin+Surgery Clinics.

Dr Thanya Tha-In team

Wrinkle relaxer (btx)

Wrinkle relaxers (btx) have been used in the medical world for many years to remedy discomforts such as migraines and excessive perspiration. In the cosmetic industry, wrinkle relaxers are mainly used to soften wrinkles or even make them disappear altogether. So do you also often look angry when you are not at all? Or have your crow's feet been bothering you for a long time? This treatment can help. The result is a calmer appearance and smoother skin. Take a look at before-and-after photos of the various treatments offered at our clinic.

Frown wrinkle

Frown wrinkle end result
Frown wrinkle for
Frown rash
Frown wrinkle after photo
Frown wrinkle result
for after Frown wrinkle
before and after Frown wrinkle
Frown wrinkle before after
Frown wrinkle before and after


Lipflip btx result

Forehead wrinkles

gum treatment after photo
gum treatment after
before and after gum treatment
for after gum treatment
gum treatment before after
gum treatment before and after
gum treatment for photo
gum treatment for

Before and after photos fillers

Filler treatment has become increasingly popular in recent years to combat signs of ageing, such as wrinkles. Soluble, non-permanent fillers are made of hyaluronic acid. A substance that is naturally broken down by the body. This makes filler treatment a safe way to soften wrinkles or make them disappear altogether. You can also use fillers to restore volume to certain parts of your face. Think about lifting the cheeks, lifting the corners of your mouth or more volume in your lips. Skin + Surgery Clinics has years of experience in injecting fillers, where natural results are paramount.

Filler for the lips

outcome Lip fillers
lip fillers end result
outcome treatment Lip fillers before and after
Before and after Lipfillers outcome
Lip fillers result outcome
lip fillers end result
result Lip fillers surgery
treatment Lip fillers result
treatment outcome Lip fillers
Lip fillers outcome treatment
outcome Lipfillers treatment
before and after Lipfiller treatment
result before and after lip fillers
Lip fillers before and after results
before and after Lip fillers
lip fillers natural result

Filler for the tear ducts

Teardrop filler result
eyelid correction before and after outcome
before and after eyelid surgery result
eyelid surgery end result before and after
download 3 2
before and after eyelid surgery results

Filler for the nasolabial fold

for nasolabial fold
after nasolabial fold
nasolabial fold before treatment
nasolabial fold for treatment
nasolabial fold end result
nasolabial fold for
nasolabial fold outcome
nasolabial fold result
nasolabial fold before and after

Liquid Facelift

outcome treatment Liquid facelift
outcome treatment Liquid facelift
Liquid facelift rash treatment
Liquid facelift result treatment
before and after treatment Liquid facelift
Liquid facelift before and after treatment
Liquid facelift progression result
Liquid facelift final effect
Liquid facelift outcome
before and after result Liquid facelift
Liquid facelift before and after photo

Filler for the cheeks

before and after nasal filler

Filler for the nose

Natural result nasal filler
nasal filler treatment
photo nasal filler
before and after nasal filler
nasal filler


Radiesse costs
Before and after Radiesse
radiesse before and after
radiesse result
radiesse before and after
Radiesse before after result
Before After radiesse hands
Before After radiesse face

Before and after photos cosmetic surgery

Whether you are considering a common eyelid correction or an extensive facelift, cosmetic surgery is always exciting. You always want it done expertly and desire natural results that suit you and your face. At Skin + Surgery, quality comes first. Our specialists perform eyelid corrections, labial corrections, facelifts and face slimming treatments on a daily basis. This makes them the absolute specialist when it comes to finer surgery.

Upper eyelid surgery

Upper eyelid surgery recovery
Bovenooglidcorrectie SkinSurgery Clinics
Bovenooglidcorrectie voor en na SkinSurgeryClinics
upper eyelid surgery headache migraine
eyelid surgery costs
upper eyelid surgery SkinSurgery Clinics
Upper eyelid correction result skinsurgeryclinics
upper eyelid surgery eczema skinsurgery
eyelid surgery costs skinsurgery
Upper eyelid surgery
upper eyelid surgery results
Before and after upper and lower eyelid surgery
before and after photo upper and lower eyelid surgery
upper eyelid correction result
upper eyelid surgery costs
eyelid surgery before and after
upper eyelid surgery final result
result boc
upper eyelid surgery suzanne van soest
upper eyelid surgery outcome
upper eyelid correction end effect
boc eidn result
result boc
upper eyelid surgery vivian beekman
boc result
boc before and after
boc result
eyelid surgery outcome skin surgery
upper eyelid correction final result photos
upper eyelid corection before and after progression
result before and after eyelid surgery
skinsurgery for after upper eyelid correction
upper eyelid correction outcome
upper eyelid surgery final outcome
upper eyelid surgery outcome
upper eyelid surgery final effect
upper eyelid surgery
eyelid surgery SkinSurgery Clinic
Bovenooglidcorrectie welke leeftijd
Bovenooglidcorrectie voor mannen skinsurgery clinics
Bovenooglidcorrectie voor en na skinsurgery clinics
Bovenooglidcorrectie skinsurgery clinics
Bovenooglidcorrectie kosten skinsurgery clinics
bovenooglidcorrectie behandeling skinsurgery clinics
Bovenooglidcorrectie voor en na
Bovenooglidcorrectie kosten

Asian eyelid surgery

before and after asian eyelid surgery
asian eyelid surgery before and after
asian eyelid surgery transformation
asian eyelid surgery results
asian eyelid surgery end progression
outcome asian eyelid surgery
asian eyelid surgery outcome
asian eyelid correcite end effect
before and after asian eyelid surgery treatment
asian eyelid surgery progression
asian eyelid correction end result

Lower eyelid surgery

bocooc result
bocooc na
bocooc for
end result Upper and lower eyelid surgery
Upper and lower eyelid surgery before and after progression
treatment Eyelid correction final result
lower eyelid correction treatment effect
Lower eyelid surgery before after skin surgery
before and after photo upper and lower eyelid surgery
Before and after upper and lower eyelid surgery


Face- neck lift treatment SkinSurgery Clinics
Face- neck lift treatment SkinSurgery Clinics
Face- neck lift treatment
Facelift treatment
facelift treatment
Face Necklift final result
Face Neck lift before and after
Face Necklift result
Surgical Lift Face result
facelift buccal treatment final result
facelift consequence
faclift icm buccal before and after
before and after double chin
before and after face neck lift result
face neck lift before and after progression
facelift treatment end result
result after face neck lift
before and after surgical facelift
before and after facelift
Facelift treatment
Facelift treatment
Facelift treatment

Dr Tha InSignature Lift

signature lift thanya tha-in
heleen 5 weeks after surgery
5 weeks after surgery heleen
heleen after 5 weeks
heleen after 9 days
after 9 days heleen
heleen after 12 weeks
12 weeks after treatment
after 12 weeks heleen
before surgery photo heleen
heleen before surgery
for the ingeep heleen
facelift photo
final result facelift

Liposuction icm Lipolaser

Liposuction icm Lipolaser
Liposuctie icm lipolaser kosten
Lipolaser before and after
Lipolaser results
Liposuction treatment SkinSurgery Clinics
Liposuction icm lipolaser
Have double chin removed
liposuction treatment
Liposuction icm Lipolaser
Liposuction treatment
Lipolaser results
Lipolaser end result
Liposuction icm lipolaser before and after
Liposuction lipolaser result
result of lipolaser treatment
faceslimming permamente solution before and after
face neck lift before and after
lipolaser treatment effect
lipolaser treatment before and after
lipo for after
before and after photo lipolaser
lipolaser before and after photo
lipolaser end effect
lipolaser treatment result
liposuction neck final results
double chin before and after
double chin removal

Face slimming

faceslimming end result
faceslimming for
faceslimming for photo
lipo neck result
lipo neck before and after
liposuction before and after
after treatment petra
petra na
after petra
for petra

Buccal fat removal

buccal fat removal before and after
buccal fat removal result hamster cheeks
buccal fat
before buccal fat removal
after buccal fat removal treatment
for buccal fat removal treatment
buccal fat removal rash
for buccal fat removal result
buccal fat removal result
for buccal fat removal
after buccal fat removal
for buccal fat removal
after buccal fat removal
buccal fat removal for
buccal fat removal after
buccal for photo
buccal after photo